Chapter One

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How many times has the world gone through its changes? Desolate landscape becomes beautiful green overflowing with rivers and flora and fauna in abundance. Things progress and people move across the planet's surface. They bring change. With that change comes good and bad things. Pollution, destruction, and chaos. However, it is in the midst of that chaos that we see all of the good that people can be capable of. When someone is down and hurting special people with kind souls are able to pick up the people around them. Long ago before the world was nearly destroyed a group of people known as the Council viewed people as a plague. The sought to destroy anyone who did not contribute to society in a way that they deemed acceptable.

When the Council learned about an approaching catastrophic event they did nothing to help the people. Instead they rounded up the people that they considered the best and the brightest and left everyone to die in what would become known as the Great Calamity.

Today would be the first day that Arabella would meet with the Elders. She had a feeling that she would be cast out of the village as an outcast. As a Vosat she was considered useless with nothing of merit to offer. She sighed as she paced the floors nervously.

She had been born to an almost extinct race of people known as the Vosat. One day a goddess came to a peaceful group of people. They became known as the Vosat. She decided that these people were kind and virtuous enough to be charged with the preservation and protection of the world's knowledge. The Great Tsigili gifted them with the power to heal and protect. As long as the Vosat remained virtuous and didn't abuse their power then she would not abandon them.

The Goddess had seen the good that people were capable of. She wanted to nurture them. She wanted to help them grow and she did. She worked beside the Vosat to help them maintain that which should be left behind by all.

Arabella sighed. She gnawed on her bottom lip. Her lips were full and a pale pink. Her cheek bones were high and rosy. Her bright green eyes darted around the waiting room as she tried to keep her mind off of her current situation. She was petite with long legs for her height. Now was not the time to get lost in academic thought. She knew this yet her brain often strayed in that direction because it was better than facing the memories of her past. She scrunched up her nose as she mulled over why she was being called before the Elders. She continued to pace the floor waiting for them to call her into the great meeting room.

Once a month each village would send elders to represent them during the meeting. Each village would send four elders out of twelve. There were a total of twelve villages that the Vosat lived in. To help preserve their villages it had been deemed important that they keep the number of Vosat in a single village to minimum of two hundred. After the Council's last attack against the Vosat, in which they lost over fifty clansmen, their outposts became villages to keep the Council from being able to locate them again.

"This month's major issues are such as follows: We have people fleeing their villages looking for a safe haven." The Elder Yang said. "From what we have seen here Hiroki Village seems to be filled with the most refugees. Why?"

The elders looked around waiting for someone to speak up. No one wanted to answer his questions. He had been a stickler for letting the humans handle their own problems. Opposing him might cause problems for Hiroki Village.

"Why?" Came a voice. "Because we have been entrusted with the task of preserving human knowledge and information regarding the events that are happening around the world." Came an annoyed voice.

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