Chapter Nineteen

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It was now less than twenty days until they reached the Great Tsaligu. Arabella was undergoing rigorous training with Ren. True to his word Sharamu remained quiet about Ren being her father. Through out the day they continued their march towards the Great Tsaligu. As they marched they often received updates from Salvador about the children that had been kidnapped by the Council. Unfortunately, the information that they were receiving was often a trap to lure them out. However, Salvador was already prepared for those particular plans and they were able to take many of the Council Guard Outposts.

During one particularly long and tiring day Arabella's group ran into five units of the Council Guard and Yoshiro's Army of Necros. Arabella ran one of her katana through one of the Necro guards. The last one had fallen. She sighed and flicked the blood off of her sword. Ren had watched over her these last couple of days. He had been worried about Arabella when he found out that her mother had died. Most people would have crumbled under such circumstances but not Arabella. No, instead she had used that as a lesson to make herself stronger. Such a young child had already grasped the importance of strength. She didn't have magic anymore. She was a normal child then, yet her mother's death caused her to pursue strength like a man in the desert pursued water.

"You did great." He said. Arabella nodded and began to clean the blood from her swords. "I know it is awkward to have someone praise your sword skill. I have not been here long but I do know that nearly everyone tried to stop you from fighting. I am proud." He said. "Your mother would be too." Arabella's eyes widened.

Ren had learned after watching her the first time that she didn't talk much after fighting. It was not just that she found it unpleasant but often times her brother would scowl at her in disgust.

"Do you think she would be?" Arabella asked. Ren's eyes widened in surprise.

"I know she would be. Your mother valued strength and kindness above all else. I have seen you be both strong and kind. She would be happy to see how you have turned out." Ren said nodding his head.

"I just wish others could understand why I do this. I mean everyone tells me to give it time and people will understand. What can I do?" She asked with hopeful eyes.

"Look, I am not going to sugar coat this for you. I hope that you will permit me to speak plainly. I cannot tell you what you want to hear because I cannot tell you for sure that he will understand. There are those that no matter what you do or why they will never be able to understand you." He said. Arabella's face fell. "However, one day he might come around. Besides from what I can see, even if he doesn't there are those around you that already do understand you. Those are the people that will have your back and defend you no matter what." He said patting her head gently. Arabella sighed.

"I understand what you are saying. I just hope that he will change his mind one day." Arabella said.

"We'll talk more. Right now we have somethings to do and then we have some strategies that we need to work on." Ren said softly.

"Okay." Arabella stood and grabbed her pack she went to the water house to clean the blood off of herself.

Arabella splashed cool water over her body. She enjoyed the feel on her hot sweaty skin. The blood trailed off of her in little rivulets as it mixed with the water. Arabella sighed and made her way out of the water house. Everyone was gathered in the center of the small village. They divided up the goods and soon everyone was on their way.

That night when they camped out Arabella called a meeting to discuss strategy. Everyone listened intently as Arabella and Ren went over how and where they would put down the Necros. She laid out maps that had been marked with the skirmishes that they'd had with both the Council Guards and Yoshiro's forces. Arabella had also consulted Ren on the location of the Great Tsaligu and had marked that on the map as well.

Night of the Necros: The Rise of the QueenKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat