Chapter Eighteen

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Councilwoman Harding sat down with a sigh. The Council had met earlier in the day to discuss the Vosat and their movements. Everyone was beginning to lose heart. Fear of the Master was beginning to overtake the Council. Still, it was that fear that drove them to follow his orders without complaint.

"Councilwoman Harding, we have word of Vosat movement in the Eastern sector of your district." A council guard said kneeling. Councilwoman Harding sighed.

"Send out the guard closest to that sector. I want them all dead. I cannot disappoint the Master again." She said. The fear in her voice was evident. Councilwoman Harding was a notoriously stoic woman yet the thought of disappointing the Master made her knees quake in fear. The guard nodded and left the Councilwoman to her thoughts.

"Master, the Vosat are on the move again." Came a guttural growl from a guard.

"Can you tell me where they are headed?" He growled.

"It seems that they are headed to that tree." He growled.

"Dammit! How far away are they?" He asked. His black eyes narrowed.

"It seems like they are one phase away."

"One moon phase?"


"What's our progress with Tsigili?"

"Shes keeping us out of her temple." The Master growled in anger. He slammed his fist down on the arm of his throne

"She needs to be destroyed, Yong Tao! We cannot afford anymore delays."

"Yes, Master." He said bowing.

"Do what you can to stop their progress but remember to bring the princess to me."

"Yes, Master." Yong Tao said with a bow.

"Tsigili, you will regret crossing me. I will make you and your beloved Vosat suffer." He growled.

"Master," A messenger bowed as he entered the throne room.

"Yes, Morie?"

"The Council Guards are moving against a Vosat squad in the Eastern sector of Councilwoman Harding's district."

"Good. If they fail burn the outpost." He said. The messenger bowed and disappeared.

"Tsigili, lets see how long your champion lasts." The Master howled with laughter.

Tsigili watched as the forces surrounding the Great Tsaligu tried to break through her barrier. Tsigili watched from her perch on one of the Great Tsaligu's branches. Night was beginning to fall, surrounding the forest in darkness. Even the spirits did not dare to venture out.

"Yoshiro, you can try to destroy me and the Vosat all you want but even you cannot withstand the power that lies deep within that girl." She said.

"Do you think that the princess will be able to put an end to Yoshiro's schemes?" A silver nine tailed fox asked from the bottom of the tree.

"Ren," Tsigili began. "What are you doing here? I was under the impression that you would stay inside since Yoshiro sent the Necros to do his dirty work." Tsigili said jumping down from the tree.

"You know why I am out." He snorted.

"You don't have to worry about her. She is coming into her own wonderfully." Tsigili said.

Night of the Necros: The Rise of the QueenWhere stories live. Discover now