Chapter 7

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Arabella sighed in relief as she felt the cool night air on her hot skin. She had been so angry when she stormed out of the estate that she hadn't been paying attention to where she was going. All she knew is that she needed to get out of the estate and as soon as there was open land in front of her she broke out into a sprint. Arabella sighed as she ran out all of her frustrations. Sweat beaded down her neck as she slowed her pace to a walk.

Arabella sighed as she looked around. The night sky was completely dark it felt comforting being surrounded by the darkness. Just as she was about to clear a grove of trees she heard voices talking softly in the distance. Arabella inched forward quietly so she was not heard.

"You know what needs to be done so do it already." Came a familiar voice.

"I know but-" A feminine voice protested. Arabella didn't recognize the second voice but the childish voice of the first person caught her off guard.

"I don't think you do know." Came the childish voice. "We were sent here on a mission. You and your husband have not seen your mission through yet."

"No matter. I have them believing that you are the mastermind behind the attack." She said.

"Lisbell, please. I thought that we had an agreement." She said.

"I told you. If you want to see your children again then you needed to comply. Why is it so hard for you idiot villagers to understand this?" Lisbell asked. "I don't think it's that hard of a task." She said sounding bored.

"Please, I am begging you. Don't make me do this."

"So annoying." She muttered. "I guess I can do it myself. After all, I have already laid the seeds anyway. I can get close to them without them noticing a thing. Besides the whole village sees you as the threat anyway."

"Why?" She asked. "Why do this?"

"You poor foolish woman. Just like them you fell for my act without even stopping to think about who the true enemy is. You adults are all the same. All I have to do is look you with puppy dog eyes and you pretty much melt to my every whim." Lisbell said with a laugh. "Well, you can rest easy. Your children will be taken care of by the Council."

Arabella shuddered when she heard the little girl's words. Her body boiled with rage. Every thing had been set up for the wrong people to take the blame. Now Arabella would pay for her mistake. She never should have trusted her, Arabella thought to herself. The fact that the Council would use such underhanded tactics were beyond her. She knew that no one would believe that this little girl was the one who was giving the orders for the Council guard.

While her mind reeled over this new revelation Arabella realized what had been bothering her this whole time. It was her eyes. They never reflected the emotion that she was showing. Arabella had doubted herself the whole time while being unable to find a reason for herself doubt. The little girl was right though. No one would believe that she was behind this. No one would believe that she was working for the Council of her own free will. Arabella frowned. She knew that she needed to get word back to Genova but she didn't know how. Arabella squared her shoulders and began to head back to the village. When she was sure that she was far enough away and wouldn't be heard she sprinted the rest of the way back to the village.

"Hey," Tamaki said. "Have you seen Arabella?" He asked Genova.

"No. Why? What's wrong?" He asked.

Night of the Necros: The Rise of the QueenWhere stories live. Discover now