Chapter Twelve

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A/N : Sorry for the late update!!!! I have been editing like crazy! So here is chapter twelve! Please feel free to comment and vote! I would love to hear what you guys think.

   The next day Arabella and Genova were up first thing in the morning. She had already talked to him the night before about heading out to continue their mission. Genova agreed that it was now time for them to continue their mission. They said their goodbyes to the villagers and the Vosat Guard. Tamaki and the others woke up early to see them off.

Tamaki used his spacial jump to take them back to Michael's village so that they could make up for lost time. He bade them farewell one last time and watched as they set off once again. For some reason he felt he was seeing Arabella's retreating back more often than he cared to. With one last sigh he made his way back to the village ready for the trial to begin.

Arabella and Genova talked as they walked. They had been discussing her studies again when they noticed that the sun was high in sky. Arabella's stomach rumbled and with an embarrassed chuckle they decided it was time to stop for lunch. Arabella and Genova set up camp and decided to hunt for food after doing an inventory of their supplies.

"You know with the amount of supplies we have we will have to come up with some creative ways to get supplies." Genova said.

"Yeah. You know I was reading up on a way that people used to survive in the wilds before there was technology and I think that it my be of some use to us." Arabella said as she contemplated their situation.

"Yeah?" Genova asked.

"Yeah people would use furs and bones as clothing, weapons, and tools. Anything that could be reused they used." She said

"That could help us out if we come across anyone willing to trade with us." Genova agreed.

"Exactly. Do you know that you can use animal stomachs to line fur and make a canteen?" Arabella asked as checked her arrows.

"Whats a canteen?" Genova asked.

Arabella chuckled and shook her head. "It's a way to carry water with you. I have been thinking that we may need to make a few just in case we are in a place where we can't get water." She said.

"That is actually really smart. We don't know when the land will change from this to desert. A lack of water would be a problem." He said.

"Exactly. Lets go ahead and hunt. Then I will show you how to tan hides and make canteens." She said rising from her spot on the ground.

Genova nodded and followed her into the woods. Arabella climbed a tree and Genova followed her. He watched as rabbits hopped around, scurrying here and there. Still he knew that Arabella was waiting for bigger prey.

That bigger prey soon came along. A majestic deer came into view unaware of it's fate. Arabella pulled back on her bowstring. She inhaled slowly. On the exhale she let the arrow fly. The arrow soundlessly struck the glorious animal and it fell with a whimper. Arabella climbed down from the tree and went to examine her kill. With sad eyes she pulled out a dagger from her boot. She gently calmed the animal thanking it for it's sacrifice and then drove her blade deep into its throat. With a shuddering breath Arabella watched the deer's eyes dim as here eyes filled with tears. She wiped her tears away and began to show Genova how to gut the animal to get the most use out of its meat. Genova watched as she carefully cut into the deer. Then with a rope tied around its feet he helped her hoist it into the air. After they got the deer off of the ground he watched as Arabella showed him how to skin it. Once the skin was removed she laid the skin over a bush in the sun. Then they began to remove the deer's organs. Arabella informed him which organs were which. When they got to the stomach she advised him to stand back while she gently sliced into it careful to avoid the stomach acid that came gushing out. When they were done with that Arabella showed him how to cut into the meat.

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