Monstrous (Part 2)

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Monstrous (Part 2)


Alyssa's POV

Derek and Scott wanted me to stay with Lydia since I wasn't much use.

Peter drove me there since Meredith asked for him. Which was odd.

When we arrived, we were immediately pulled into a questioning room.

"Her? That's the girl that stole my money?" Peter asked.

"Our money." I said. He rolled his eyes.

"That girl is a banshee. And we're more dangerous than you think." Lydia explained.

"Oh is that so? Sheriff not to question the unquestionably of your department but are you sure that you got the one?" Peter asked.

"How about going in there and seeing what she has to say?" Sheriff suggested.

Peter went in there and sat in front of her. "Ok. Meredith. Where's my money?" He asked. She just looked at him confused.

"More correctly, what's left of it." He corrected. She raised her hand and touched his face. He grabbed her hand. Parrish grabbed his gun holster, ready to pull his gun out, if needed.

"Let her go. Let her go." Parrish demanded. Peter slowly laid her wrist back on the table.

"Why did you do that?" Peter questioned.

"They're all gone." She said. What?

"Oh my god. They have met before." Lydia said.

"The burns." Meredith said. "They're all gone."

"Meredith, you put everyone, including my nephew, niece, and my daughter on a death list. Don't you think you owe us the slightest explanation of why?" Peter asked.

"You said it had to be kept secret." Meredith whispered. What? What's she talking about?

"I said." Peter said. "I said that to you."

"You said it." She said.

"Allow me to remind you, yet again that we have never met. Ever." Peter explained.

"What is he doing?" I asked.

"You don't remember?" Meredith asked.

"No, but maybe you do." He said. He stood up moved the table out from between them. Lydia yelled, "Don't!" But it was to late. He done threw Parrish into the wall and dug his claws into the back of her neck.

We ran in. "No! Don't touch them! If you break the bond you kill them. Both of them." I explained.

Parrish and Sheriff had their guns out pointing at Peter.

"What are we supposed to do?" Sheriff Stilinski questioned.

"I-uh. I don't know." Lydia said.

"What's he doing?" Parrish asked lowering his gun. Stilinski did the same.

"He's searching through her memory. It's something a werewolf can do." I explained. Meredith opened her eyes and started whispering words really fast.

"Do you hear that? She's saying something?" Sheriff asked.

"Can you understand that?" Parrish asked Lydia. "I can." She said. "I can hear perfectly." Lydia explained. "She was in the hospital. The same hospital." Lydia said.

"Same as who?" Parrish asked.


"It was right after the fire. Meredith could hear him." She said. "Hear what?" Sheriff asked.

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