camping out

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"Kai, that's going too far, if we do it to her, she won't stop doing it to me." You said.
"But June, we are getting payback." Kai said.
"We will get in big trouble." You said.
"Trust me." Kai said.
"I don't know about this." You said.


"Are you going to the big camp out?" You asked.
"I mean, I guess, you?" Kai asked.
"Yeah." You replied.

It was time for the big camp out, I put on my pajamas and went outside, the camp out was located near the beach....

At the big camp out,
I sat down beside Kai and we was eating some marshmallows.
"Let's play a game." Joy said.
"What game?" Doyeon asked.
"Truth or dare." Joy said.
"Who's going first?" Joy asked.
"I'll go first." Soojin said.
"Truth or dare.... June?" Soojin asked.
"I don't want to play." You said.
"Pfft, everyone is playing." Mina said.
"Well I don't want to play." You said.
"You're playing, truth or dare?" Soojin asked.
"Pfft, truth." You said.
"Is it true that your mom left you and your dad alone?" Soojin asked.
"Why did you ask that question?" You asked.
"I'm just curious." Soojin said.
"Answer." Soojin said.

I got up from my seat and went in the hotel's dinner area, Kai followed behind me....

"Why did she tell me that question? It's none of her business." You said.
"Yah, we don't have to go back." Kai said.
"Let's have dinner." Kai said.

Me and Kai sat down at a table, Kai got us some dinner, he got Ramen with rice and kimchi on the side.....

"Thank you." You said with a smile.
"No problem." Kai said.
"I just want this field trip to be over, it's chaotic." You said.
"The dance competition is tomorrow, we leave the day after tomorrow." Kai said.
"Let's do good okay? When we go back to school, I don't want to be in this dance class anymore." You said.
"Are you sure? When we saw that flyer, you were pretty excited." Kai said.
"I'm not anymore, I didn't know this dance class will ruin my life." You said.
"Yah! Why are you guys in here? We are playing volleyball." Teacher jang said.

Me and Kai got up from our seats and went back outside..... they was setting up the volleyball set.
"Alright I'll pick the people on my team, boys vs girls." Soojin said.
"So all girls are with me." Soojin said.
"Pfft." You said.

I was in Soojin's team and the game started, I was all the way in the back, they ball was going everywhere....

"MOVE!!!!" Soojin said.

Soojin pushed me on the sand... the ball was coming to me but Soojin wanted to humiliate me.... I got up and we did another round. This time I was in the front behind Soojin.

"GET OUT OF MY WAY!!!" Soojin said.

Soojin pushed me on the ground again...

"Soojin, why are you so harsh?" Kai asked.
"Be quiet Kai, she deserved it." Soojin replied.

I got up from the ground and started to fight Soojin, I grabbed her hair and threw her on the sand, we was going at it until Teacher jang came to break it up......

"YAHHHH!!! STOP IT!!!" Teacher jang said.
"BOTH OF YOU GO INSIDE NOW!" Teacher jang yelled.
Me and Soojin went inside...

"I AM SICK AND TIRED OF THE BOTH OF YOU." Teacher jang yelled.
"You know what, you guys are going home tonight, you are never returning to the dance team, so pack your bags and leave." Teacher jang said.
"How are we suppose to get home?" You asked.
"I'll call a bus driver to come pick you guys up, I'm tired of you guys, get the packing." Teacher jang said.
"LEAVE!" Teacher jang said.

Me and Soojin got up from our seats and went to our room, we packed our bags, I went in the hallway and saw Kai running to me.....

"What's happening? Why do you have your bags?" Kai asked worriedly.
"I'm leaving." You replied.
"What?" Kai asked.
"I'm not coming back, I'm not coming back to the dance team." You said.
"Well, I'm leaving too." Kai said.
"NO! You stay in here." You said.
"No I'm coming wait for me." Kai said.
"KAI! YAH!" You yelled.
Kai ran down the hallway so fast, he didn't turn back...

"TEACHER JANG! CAN I GO?" Kai asked.
"What?" Teacher jang asked.
"I don't want to be here." Kai replied.
"Kai you are not leaving, you are one of the best dancers on the team." Teacher jang said.
"I don't want to be apart of it anymore." Kai said.
"Are you sure?" Teacher jang asked.
"I'm sure." Kai replied.
"Alright then, catch the bus with Soojin and June." Teacher jang said.
"Okay." Kai said.

I waited outside for Kai, maybe he is staying, maybe Teacher jang didn't want him to leave.

Kai's pov: I packed my bags and went out the door, I saw June and Soojin sitting on the bench waiting for the bus... I ran to them....

"JUNE!" Kai yelled.
June looked back at me and smiled.

June's POV: I looked back after I heard someone call my name, and it was Kai, he was running towards me and I smiled... WHOA! I was wrong, Teacher jang did let him leave...

"It was hard convincing her." Kai said.
"Kai, you didn't have to, if you were enjoying the time here you could've stayed." You said.
"I wasn't enjoying a second of it." Kai said.
I laughed.

Soojin's pov: Look at them smiling together, why did joy, Mina, or Doyeon come with me? Pfft....

June's POV: The bus finally came to pick us up, me and Kai sat together, and we knew it will be a long ride home.... Kai was always with me when I was having a bad time, thank you Kai for being with me today :)

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