Chapter 31

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Louis' POV

Karly came with me to the airport the next morning to see me off. "I love you Karly. Never forget that." I said to her. "I love you too Louis. And I forgive you. You always were a big partier when you are drunk. Just try not to let it happen again. Tell the boys I say thank you too. And tell them I am sorry that my stubbornness made you come all the way here. Have a safe flight." she replied. I kissed her one last time before I went to board my plane.

I sent Harry a text when I got to the airport. He came to pick me up with the rest of the boys. "Hey man." I said. "Hi boys." They just kind of glared at me. "I'm sorry okay." I said. "I can't do it. It's cool man. We would have done the same thing." Niall said. "You guys fucking scared me." I said. "It's only because we love you." Harry said. "Also, today, right now, we are going to go to lunch then head back to the hotel and change because tonight we are partying again. You ready for that?" Harry added. "I am so ready." I replied.

That night and the rest of the week was amazing. We went out almost every night. The last night we went back to Funky Buddah for one last night of pure drinking before heading back to London the next day. The girls were coming back later that night so all us boys made dinner at mine and Harry's house for the girls.

The wedding was fast approaching and I couldn't help but be very excited.

Alyx's POV

The girls and I went out to dinner and let Karly and Louis have the hotel mostly to themselves for the night. We got back around 11pm and they were asleep on the couch cuddling. The next morning Karly dropped Louis off at the airport and came back around 11am. We didn't say much to Karly. "Girls! You are bumming me out. Louis is gone. I am happy again. Why aren't we out day drinking yet?" Karly asked. "SHE'S BACK!" we all yelled. "What are you talking about?" Karly asked. "We wanted to let you decide when it was okay to party again. And since you have decided that now is good lets go day drink and then night drink and then pass out here at 1am." I said. "I have been waiting this whole trip for that exact thing." Cassie said. "Well, what are we waiting for?" Lindsay added.

We all went and put on some cute dresses that were good for daytime and nighttime and left for lunch. We ate lunch at some classy restaurant and drank a lot of wine. Then we went walking around downtown Ireland and checked out some possible pubs to venture to later. Later that evening we ended up at this one pub called Molly Blooms not far from our hotel. It had live music and karaoke later in the night. It's safe to say that the five of us won't be forming a girl group anytime soon.

The rest of the trip was amazing. We went out almost every night and partied. Karly and Louis were fine. Harry and I were more than fine. I just couldn't wait to see my baby again. On the last night we all packed some alcoholic beverages into a cooler and went for a walk. Karly said she found this little lake we could go hang out at so that is what we did. We drove to this little spot and unloaded our cooler. I turned the car stereo on and we blasted some hit music station. Our last night was spent partying at a lake, just us girls, with no care in the world.

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