Chapter 29

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Louis' POV

I need to figure out a plan to get Karly to forgive me. I know I wouldn't even forgive me but Karly has to.

I can't live without her and I have the perfect plan to win her back.

Harry's POV

"So boys. What should we do today?" Zayn asked. "I'm feeling a pub tonight for dinner and drinks. Nothing extreme just dinner and drinks together." Niall said. "That's a good idea. Louis how about it?" Liam asked. "Uh yeah. Sounds good." Louis said not looking up from his phone.

It was about 5:30 and we all decided to go get ready in our rooms. I shared my room with Louis and when I went in he wasn't there. I figured he had just gone in the bathroom or something. A while later we were all ready and Louis still hadn't shown up. Head off to dinner without me boys. I had an idea and I will be down in the next 30 minutes.

The next half hour past slowly. The boys and I went down to the restaurant and ordered some drinks. We were sitting in the bar for a good 45 minutes an Louis hadn't showed up. "Zayn send him a text." Liam said. "I just did like two minutes ago. He hasn't replied. That's not like him. I'm gonna try calling." Zayn said. He got up and left the table to call. "Where could he be?" Niall asked. "He said he had an idea. Probably about making up to Karly. He just said he would be half an hour." I said. "Well he's not answering my calls." Zayn said walking back. "Should we just order then?" Niall asked. Figures he would ask about the food. "Yeah sure. I'm sure Louis will show up eventually." I said.

We ate our dinner and had more drinks and Louis never showed up. We ended up back at the hotel without having ever seen Louis that night. "Someone call him. See where he is." I said walking into my room. Louis suitcase was gone and his bed was made. Louis was gone. I walked back out to the living room. "He's gone guys. I don't know where. But he's not here and neither is his stuff." I said. "Everyone start calling. Now." Liam said. We all started calling Louis and no one ever got an answer. "What are we going to do?" Niall asked. "Check the press." I said.

We spent the next thirty minutes searching all the gossip websites and media update twitters. We even searched the One Direction update twitters. Everywhere said that we were all here in Wolverhampton together. "We have no choice guys. We have to call the girls and ask them if they know. It's our only hope." Zayn said. "I'll do it." I said.

I went to the other room and I called Karly. "Hi Harry." she said. "Karly. Don't panic please. But Louis is missing. We don't know where he is." I said. "Fuck off Harry." she said in a pissy voice. "I'm totally serious, Karly. Louis is missing."

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