Chapter 18

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2 months later. 

Karly's POV

Everything was better now. Louis and I were perfect. Alyx and Harry were perfect. Harry told Alyx about Larry Stylinson with me there to make sure she understood. She completely understood and she thanked Harry for having the guts to tell her. She also agreed with me that it was totally hot. 

We had gotten back to the wedding planning and everything was going well. Harry's old bakery job agreed to do the cake for us half off because we are like family. I was so thankful and the cake plan was beautiful. Louis mother, Jay, said she knew of somewhere that had amazing food and catering so we left that to her. She was more than happy to help. I was going dress shopping on the weekend with all the girls for my dress and their dresses and Louis was going tux shopping with the boys in the next week or so too. One thing we didn't have was a date and a venue or a guest list. 

I was lying in bed with Louis one morning when I suddenly came to that realization. "Boo?" I said softly. I was cuddled up into Louis chest sitting somewhat against the headboard. "Yes sweetheart." he said kissing my head. "We don't have a date or a venue yet. Or invitations. We need to get on that. We need to figure out a guest list of people we want and figure out numbers and then go looking at venues and such. Like we need to get that done soon babe." I could hear in my voice that I was panicking a bit. So could Louis. "Babe, calm down okay. We can do that today. I'm meeting the boys at the studio from 3 until 5 and then after that we will sit down for however long it takes until we have a guest list and numbers. Then next week we will go looking at venues and figure out the date and such. The week after we send out invitations. Okay, love?" he said. I calmed down a lot after he said that. "Yeah. That sounds perfect hun. How long have you been thinking of that for?" I said. "A while." was his reply. "I'm going to get ready for the studio. I'm jumping in the shower. Feel free to join." he said with a wink and got himself up. I heard the shower start running and saw his pants being thrown out of the bathroom, tempting me. "I might just take him up on that offer." I said to myself and got up to join him. 

Louis' POV

"Do you boys know any good venues for the wedding?" I asked the boys. Everyone suggested churches and dining halls. My moms house was even suggested but I know that there are some fans that would show up. Not that I would have a problem with fans but Karly might and the ones that show up to our houses don't like our girls for the most part. "What about a concert arena?" Niall suggested. The rest of the boys and I looked between us and my eyes lit up. "Niall. That's perfect. How did you think of that?" I asked. "I always thought it would be cool. Plus if you and Karly were okay with it you could always hold some sort of draw and have like 50 random fans with 1 guest each attend it too. Just like in the back or whatever." he said quietly, unlike his usual carefree self. "Ni, that's actually such a cute idea. I'm going to run that by Karly when I get home." I glanced down at my watch. "Actually I am going to head out now. I'll see you boys when I see you. Haz, I'll see you at home in a bit." I said and with that I left to go run that by Karly. 

When I got home and found Karly she was sitting at the kitchen table with a bunch of paper and notes in front of her. "What do you have there babe?" I said startling her. "Oh my god Lou. I didn't even hear you come in. I'm just starting out a list of my family that I need invited and thinking of venues. How was the studio?" she said. "It was good. The boys and I were talking about venues too and listen to what Niall suggested. I really like it." "What is it?" she asked excited. "Well we were talking about possible venues and the usual churches and halls came up but then Ni suggested what about an arena. I mean its relevant to us and I'm sure I can get one. Plus he suggested that we hold something and have 50 winners with 1 guest each to attend the wedding. I really like that what do you think?" Karly sat there thinking for a long while. "Babe if you don't like it-" "I love it. I think that is the best idea. Totally original. But how do we choose fans because I don't want ones that hate me to be there." It was a good point. "We will figure something out for that when the time comes. For now how about we focus on this guest list." I said. Karly agreed and we began the list

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