Chapter 12

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Louis' POV

As I stepped in the room I saw Karly sitting in a chair facing the window with her knees to her chest and her head resting on them. I stood there for a moment not knowing what to do. Slowly and quietly I walked over to the bed which was beside her and sat down. “Love?” I said uneasily. Her head snapped around and she glared at me with those chocolate brown eyes that I loved the most. “What do you want Louis. Here to tell me more lies. Tell me more things you have left out over the past 3 years. Because I really don’t want to hear anything from you right now.” She was so upset and I felt myself start to cry again. I hated crying in front of people but this was my girlfriend, no scratch that, fiancée. I let the tears silently slip down my cheek as I spoke. “I’m so sorry Karly. I should have told you. But I never thought it would matter because all that mattered was you and I, not exes or ex-hookups.” I stood up and walked over to the chair and put my hands on either arm so that she was inches from my face. “I love you so fucking much Karly. I honestly do not know how I ever lived without you before.” “Obviously you lived pretty okay. Just hooking up with random fans while your best friend is in the room. Like how can you two even do that. I don’t think I could ever just sit in a room while Alyx and Harry had sex in the bed next to me. And Alyx and I are really close. Don’t tell me that Larry Stylinson is actually real after all and that’s why it’s not awkward.”

Oh shit. Fucking hell. I can’t keep something like this from her now. She’s still sitting here waiting for a response and I can’t give her one. “Are you fucking kidding me. How many more lies do you have in you Louis. First a hookup story about my ex best friend and now I found out that you and my best guy friend hooked up too.” she yelled. “Karly it’s not like that. At the start of the band Harry and I were both confused about our sexualities so we decided to test it out by dating eachother without anyone knowing. We’ve never told anyone Karly. Please. You have to respect that one. Alyx doesn’t know either. The boys don’t even know. I have nothing else that I am hiding and I never will. Karly please. Please forgive me sweetheart. I love you so fucking much. More than anyone else in my life and I need to know that you love me back too.” My tears escaped again and they fell onto Karlys lap in small drops. “Louis do you really think that I don’t love you. If I didn’t love you I would be so much less hurt by this. You are the most important thing in my life and you always will be. But you kept this from me. I don’t understand how you could do that. I respect you and Harry because I will admit that I always wanted it to happen when I was just a fan and I think it’s kinda hot. But you and Kelly. In the same room as me. Makes me want to puke. I’m sorry baby, I really do love you, so much, but I need space right now. My head hurts and I need sleep and I need my girl.” Without thinking I leaned down to kiss her roughly. I heard a squeak leave her lips but it didn’t stop her from kissing me back with just as much passion. “I love you so much Karly. And I will make it up to you. I’m so sorry baby. For everything I’ve ever hurt you with or kept from you.” I grabbed her hand and looked down at the engagement ring on her finger. I brought it to my lips and kissed it softly. “Have a fun girls night with Alyx. Tomorrow will be better.” I kissed her sweetly one last time and she leaned into the kiss when I tried to move away. “I love you.” I said softly as I shut the door behind me hearing a faint “I love you too Boo.” behind me.

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