Chapter 27

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~~~~This link [] is a link to what the girls dresses look like. Also it's on my tumblr so follow me if you want! xoxo karlyturnerr~~~~

Louis' POV

The drive finally ended and we were at our hotel. The boys had rented a penthouse suite and we were all sitting in the living room. I sent a quick text to Karly to see how she was doing. Hi baby. I miss you. Can't wait to see you again. xx I got a reply almost instantly. Hi boo. Our plane just landed and were waiting for luggage. I love you and I miss you. See you soon. xxx It read. 

Harry came up to me and sat beside me on the couch. He read the texts over my shoulder. "Dude she's fine. Let loose and let's have fun like we used to. I'm thinking body shots and lap dances maybe." Harry said. "Harry I don't want to get too crazy. I mean yeah let's have fun. But I promised Karly that nothing bad would happen." I said to him. "Just make sure that you tell her what happens. See Alyx and I came to an understanding that as long as there is no kissing and no sex then we can do what the fuck ever this week. It's our week off too. Pretty sure the boys are on the same page. Now get your ass up and let's go PARTAY!" He yelled. I sent one last text to Karly and told her to talk to Alyx about what her and Harry are doing. She agreed with it. Have fun baby. Just know that I love you and can't wait to see you again. Was her last text. 

The boys and I got ready together and I put on some black jeans with a loose baby blue Tshirt. I added my signature TOMS and went out to the living room where the boys were waiting for me. "And there's princess Louis now." Liam said. "Is your hair okay? Clothes match? You're worse than me man." Zayn added. "Shut it. This is my week so I can take however long I want. Now it's 8:30 so should we go meet up with Andy and Maz because I wanna get this party started I don't know about you boys." I said. I saw a smirk cross Harry's face and Niall shot out of his seat. "LET'S DO THIS!" he yelled and we were off. 

We met up with Andy outside Funky Buddah and he brought us in. The owners were there too. "For the night you guys have free reign over everything here. Go nuts." one of the owners said. I was amazed. "Free reign. Wow Andy you went all out." I said and pat him on the back. "Only the best for the best." he replied. "And we have a bunch of strippers coming really soon. This party will be ballin'" he added. 

I ordered myself drinks and Harry came up to the bar. He stood on a chair and yelled, "BIRTHDAY SHOTS!" Andy brought out the Grey Goose bottle and poured everyone shots. I took mine back and set the shot glass down. "Another round?" Niall said. "I'm good." I replied. "Bullshit you're good. POUR MORE LETS GO." Niall yelled. About five shots later I was feeling it. I ordered a rum and coke and went to the dance floor. About ten minutes later a scantly dressed woman came up to me. "Dance with me baby. I heard it's your bachelor party. Congratulations." she said. She was clearly a stripper. I looked over to Harry who was grinning wildly at me. Obviously it was him who sent her. "I'd love to dance. And thank you." I said to the woman. 

After a few more drinks which somehow got into my hands I was in full party mode. I forgot everything that I was here for and just let myself go. I was dancing on this woman who had introduced herself as Kyah and out faces were inches apart. "You look like the perfect person to take body shots off of." I slurred matter-of-factly. "What are you waiting for baby?" she replied. I got up on a chair and yelled over the music. "BODY SHOTS! WOOOO!" The bartender laid Kyah down on the bar and got everything set up. 

I took three body shots off her and that's the last thing I remember. I woke up the next morning wearing only my tight TopMan underwear and one shoe. I had dozens of texts from Karly and all the other girls too. The boys left me a note on the table and I read it. We're at breakfast downstairs. Join us if you can. And good luck Louis. You'll need it. Was all it said. 

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