Chapter 3

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Louis’ POV

I had never been so nervous for my girlfriends birthday in my life. I had all the gifts worked out. Thank god for knowing the people I know.

I pulled up to Karly’s apartment just in time to see her walking out the door in the most amazing tight black dress and jean vest I had ever seen. Her black pumps brought her almost to my height. “Babe, you look… wow.” Was all I managed to get out as I stepped out of the car to meet her. “Do you like it? I bought it yesterday and I wasn’t sure if you would like it.” She said to me as she looked down at herself. “Babe seriously. You are lucky that dress is still on you because you look amazing.” She gave me the biggest smile and kissed my lips sweetly. “You aren’t so bad yourself, Tomlinson. I think we should get to dinner so we can get home faster. What do you think?” Her eyes burned into mine with lust and desire. I reached back and opened her door for her without breaking the gaze. “Your ride awaits you.” “Thank you very much.” She said kissing me softly and getting in my car. By the time I got to my side and got in she had already put in her favourite CD. It was Ed Sheeran’s album +. She turned it to the song Lego House and started to sing along. When the song was over she looked at me and grabbed my free hand. “Have I mentioned how much I love Ed Sheeran?” She asked. “Only about a hundred times.” I winked. “Well I do. I would love to meet him and tell him how talented he is.” You have no idea. I thought. “I know you would. You’ve only mentioned it a few times.” I said squeezing her hand a bit.

The rest of the car ride I just listened to her sing. At dinner we ordered our food and just continued small talk. After we ate I told her I had the first part of her present. I reached into my inside coat pocket and pulled out a little box. “Oooooh! What is it?” She said. “Open and see.” I replied. Inside the box I had bought a diamond necklace on a silver chain. I hope this necklace can light up your world like you light up mine. The little card read. She pulled it out and giggled. “What?” I asked her jokingly. “This is the cheesiest thing I have ever read. I love it, and I love you.” I got up and went around the table to her. I took the necklace and put it around her neck. She grabbed my face and kissed me long and hard. “I love you too, Karly. So much.” We ate dessert and left the restaurant soon after that. 

The drive home felt so long to me. I couldn’t wait to get back to my place where the boys and Karly’s family were waiting. I had texted Harry we were on our way right before we left. I pulled up to our driveway and walked up to the front door hand-in-hand with Karly. I kissed her quickly and opened the door to her family yelling, “SURPRISE!”

Karly’s POV

Louis seemed oddly on edge the ride home. I was perfectly happy. I played with my new necklace the whole way. “Thank you again, Boo Bear, for the necklace. I love it so much. I am never taking it off.” He glanced and me and smiled. “I am so happy you like it. It’s simple yet elegant, just like you.” He said. I smiled and looked out the window. We were around the block and I noticed a lot of cars. I left it alone, just excited to finally be home. Louis opened the door for me and I walked into my whole family yelling, “SURPRISE!” I looked around shocked. Harry was the first person to come up to me. “It’s about time you got home. I was getting worried.” He winked and hugged me. “You were in on this?! You know I hate surprises. But thank you everyone.” I walked up to my mom. “Hi mom! How have you been?” “Wonderful Karly. How was dinner?” “It was really great. Look what Lou got me!” I said showing her my necklace. “That’s gorgeous. Now, go say hello to your friends and your sister.” I walked around showing everyone I could the necklace. I told Alyx all about getting it too. Louis came up and grabbed my hand. “Present time!” He yelled. Everyone gathered in the living room and started handing me little boxes. “You have to open your moms first.” Alyx said. My mom got me a Pandora bracelet. “I have been dying to get one of these! I can’t wait to fill it up.” “You spoke too soon.” Cassie said handing me a small Pandora box. Everyone else seemed to hand me one too. Before I knew it I had a full bracelet. “Thank you all so much. I love it.” Harry walked up to me with a giant bag. “Alyx wanted me to get the smaller one. I wouldn’t let her keep you from getting as embarrassed as possible.” He said winking. I opened the bag to find a giant stuffed unicorn. “Haz! This is… AWESOME. Thanks bestie!” I got up and hugged him. “And here is my gift.” Louis said handing me an envelope. “Babe, you already got me something.” “Just open it please.” He said. I opened the envelope and inside was a note.


Louis recently got in contact with me and told me all about you. He said you have been talking about me a lot recently. After hearing all about you from Louis I realized how much he actually does love you. I hope you like this present and I can’t wait to meet you in person. Now look to Louis for the actual gift. 

Ed Sheeran xx

My jaw dropped as I looked up at Louis. He was holding 4 tickets to the next Ed Sheeran concert, which was happening soon. “Is this a joke or is this serious?” His facial expression made me realize it was serious. “OH MY GOD! Babe! This is REAL. How did you do this?” I ran over to him and jumped into his arms. “I love you so much it’s not even funny. You are the most amazing person I know.” I kissed him quickly. “And thank you everyone. This party was amazing.”

At around 8:30pm my family started leaving. By 9:00pm everyone was gone and only myself, Charlotte, Alyx, Cassie and the boys were left. “Well, let’s get part two under way!” Niall said. “Part two?” I asked. “Party’s starting at 10, love.” Zayn said. “DJ Malik is in the house.” “There are fifty plus people showing up at 10. Music will be loud and people will be drinking. You ready for it?” Alyx said. I looked across everyone’s faces, all eager to hear my answer. “Let’s get this party started!” I said. Zayn got on the system playing a playlist filled with some of my favourite songs. At 10 people started showing up and I got to dancing with Louis. Sorry For Party Rocking by LMFAO came on and I started dancing up on Louis. A few drinks later I was starting to feel it. The night had just begun and so far it was the best birthday I had had in years. 

Charlotte's POV

It was about 11:30pm by now and I saw Karly off to the side of the dance floor. I walked up to her and asked, “So how did you like your presents?” “I love them. Honestly they are the best presents I’ve ever gotten.” She said, playing with her necklace. “I’m glad you think so. Listen, have you seen Lou or do you know where he went?” “Uhm, yeah. He went to get us both another drink. He should be in the kitchen.” She said. “Thanks Karly.” I said as I walked towards the kitchen. I saw Louis in front of the table pouring two drinks. “Better make it three.” I called to him. He turned around and saw me. “Charrrr, hey! You want one?” He said hugging me. “I would love one.” I said. He started making a third drink for me. I could tell he was already smashed, as was Karly for that matter. “Hey Lou, you did an awesome job with Karly’s presents.” I said. “I thought you had something else though.” “Shhhh!” He said. “That’s coming later. I have a huge plan for that. I will need your help picking it out though. Are you busy this week?” “Just school and I work Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. What about Wednesday after I am done school? If you remember any of this conversation.” I said winking. “Hush.” He said shoving my arm lightly. “Now here, take your drink and let’s go join the party.” I took my drink from him and we went to the living room to find Niall and Karly. Niall was chatting with Zayn so I went to the dance floor with Louis. We quickly found Karly dancing with Alyx and Harry. Karly grabbed her drink and threw her arms around Louis, kissing him quite hard. “Hey now. There are others around.” I said. “Get a room guys.” Louis looked at me then back at Karly. “Sounds like a pretty good idea to me.” He said, downing his drink. “My room is this way.” Karly giggled and they left to go upstairs. I turned to Alyx and Harry and asked them about Louis’ plans. They knew what was up so they told me. “Wow! That is going to be mind blowing. Be sure to video that for me to see later.” I said.

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