Chapter 9

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Alyx’s POV

On my way now. Can’t waitttttttt! Read the text I sent to Karly. Harry and I were on our way home from the movies and us, Karly and Louis were all going to start some wedding planning.

Harry and I walked in the door and saw Louis jump off of Karly. Her hair was a mess and her makeup was smudged. “Having fun you two?” I said. “Ahemm, yeah.” Karly laughed awkwardly. “It’s not the first time. It won’t be the last, we live together now.” I said. Harry and I walked over and sat on the loveseat together while Karly and Louis re-situated themselves.

“So lovebirds, where should we get started.” Harry said as he put his arm around me. “Well we need a where, when and who to start off with I think.” Karly said. I was staring blankly at her while her Louis and Harry were talking about venues. “Karly, why did you pick me as your maid of honor? Why not your sister?” I just suddenly blurted out. “Alyx, why would you even ask that? You know why. We have been best friends ever since we both moved here and needed a roommate.” 

I remembered then, the day we met. I had just moved to England from the States to start my career in broadcasting. I needed someone to live with because my flat was just too much for me to pay by myself so I put out an add. I got a hit on it right away and someone new came to live with me. "So, which room is mine?" was the first thing she said to me when she got it. I just showed her to the room that was hers and she went in with her things and that was it for a while. Later that night I was watching TV and she came in and sat on the chair next to me. "So I am really sorry about earlier. My flight here was delayed like a lot and then I was missing a bag, which they finally found and my entire trip here was pure shit. My name is Karly, and you are?" "My name is Alyx. And don't worry about it. I totally understand. It's nice to meet you." We talked for the rest of the night, mostly introducing ourselves and such.

It wasn't until weeks later that I heard Karly talking on the phone that I found out she was dating Louis Tomlinson. I myself loved One Direction and I was shocked that she kept that from me. We were pretty good friends by then. She quickly explained to me that she couldn't tell me because no one knew yet. She moved here for him and they were planning on coming out soon. I promised not to say anything while secretly fangirling inside. It was one of those friendships that just sort of happened. After that we just started telling each other everything, sharing clothes and always being together. 

"Yeah I guess I do know why. You know I really didn't like you that first night. You were quite bitchy. And then you didn't tell me that you moved here for Louis. Oh man we had the worst friendship, but I still love you girl." "Love you too girl. And don't forget that you were the only one out of all the people I talked to that didn't start hating me as soon as I said that I was dating the one and only Louis Tomlinson. I love you for that!" 

Harry’s POV

Karly just dropped that like it was nothing. "Wait you lost all your friends because you started dating Lou?" I asked. "Everyone but Alyx. I mean a lot of them thought I was stupid to move to England in the first place becasue a lot of them thought it was just to be 'closer to One Direction' to stalk them. I mean it was to be closer to you guys but it was because I was friends with you Haz and I was sort of seeing Lou at the time so yeah. Everyone who just stopped talking to me because of that I don't need in my life. Besides, I have an amazing boyfriend and two amazing best friends plus three other awesome boys and their girls that I am surrounded with all the time. I am glad everything happened as it did." she said. "But Karly. Why would you let people do that to you. If you had have told us about that we would have let you come out as our friend earlier." I said again. "Harry will you shut up. Everything is fine. I love you guys and I am happy with my life." 

I was still rattled about it all but I let it drop. "Well fine then. And thank you for being my friend. Without you I wouldn't have found such an amazing girlfriend." I said hugging Alyx closer to me. "And what would you have done without me for all these years, eh, Hazza. You would have been the lonely friend." She winked at me. "Hey now, I would have found someone I think. Probably not. You're right." I kissed Alyx deeply and she deepened it more. We were practically making out on the couch. “Get a room guys, come on.” Louis said. “Says the one who was practically getting it on with his girlfriend on our couch as we walked in.” I replied. “Okay, guys, can we get back to work please. I need to get a list started of guests and I need your guys help.” Karly said. I kissed Alyx one more time and we got to work then.

Stole My HeartOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora