stan's dumb logic corner vol. 2

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Stan and Mike chat:

Fuck is my favorie word boy: hello and welcome to stan's dumb logic corner volume 2. New this week, things with my boyfriend and I are finally okay again except his ex still wants him back and im pretty sure is ready to murdur me if i don't give him up whoops. But oh look now since i always like to screw things up further in my life, i started stealing again... and smoking. Aren't I a man of great logic!

Microwav: sad skinny kid*

Microwav: you're a sad skinny kid of great logic

Microwav: and you said you quit! Smoking and lifting!

Fuck is my favorite word boy: well i also almost killed mysef last week sooo

Microwav: well how bad is it, what did you steal?

Fuck is my favorite word boy: some manly man stuff like a bAsEbAlL

Microwav: you stole a bird book didn't you

Fuck is my favorite word boy: no....................................yes

Microwav: oh god.

Fuck is my favorite word boy: i couldn't help myself it was the platnum edition

Microwav: they make platinum edition birdbird books?

Fuck is my favorite word boy: yes of course

Fuck is my favorite word boy: it has a poster.... And 5 sticker pages.... And a free podcast.... And it's a sighned copy

Microwav: oh stan...

Fuck is my favorite word boy: at lease the bird on the cover looks buff

Microwav: how can a bird look buff

Fuck is my favortie word boy: they just can i guess

Microwav: thats bird gay

(Fuck is my favorite word boy left the chat)


Richie felt the cool air whip his pale skin, the soles of his converse were starting to wear in and he could feel the melting snow seep through his soles.

He knelt down and let his jeans soak through in the melting snow.

He was at the bridge, the kissing bridge. He ran his fingers along all of the marks in the bridge, until he reached one in particular.

'R +' he had carved it in the bridge 2 years ago... the day before he left derry.

He never finished it, he couldn't, Because he just couldn't choose what letter to put next to his, cementing their love forever, Or at least until some prick carved over it.

He was ready to carve an 'S' that day but then all the thoughts and memories of eddie came flooding back.

It wasn't any easier to choose now.

Richie knew he had to though, two years had already been too long.

Richie leaned forward and plunged the tip of the knife into the soft decaying wood carving the start of a letter.

A tear slid down richie's cheek running lines down his face knowing that either choice he made he would hurt someone he loved.

He stood up looking at his work, he hated himself. Richie turned his back on the bridge, walking away.

He had made his choice.


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