Then let me.

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Stanley uris wants to send you a message:

Stanley Uris: Richie, I'm sorry. I just love you so much and I can't loose you again.

Richie Tozier: Stan...

Stanley Uris: I promise, i wont break your heart.

Richie Tozier: Breaking a heart isn't something you do intentionally.                   

Richie Tozier: now I'm just being careful.

Stanley Uris: I understand. I just don't know how I can live without you again Rich...

Richie Tozier: you did it for a year and a half no problem, i think you'll be fine bucko.

Stanley Uris: I just wanna love you Richie.

Richie Tozier: I want you to love me too.

Stanley Uris: then let me.

Richie Tozier: okay.

Stanley Uris: really?

Richie Tozier: yeah. Now get you cute ass over here before I change my mind.

Stanley Uris: oki doki!

Richie Tozier: don't hurt yourself.

Stanley Uris: right, getting my cute ass over there right now.

Richie Tozier: that a boy.

(Richie Tozier left the chat)

Richie and Eddie chat:

Late Rich: um well this is awkward... but I'm dating Stan. I wanted you to hear it from me first.\

Traitor Eds: how could you.

Late Rich:what?

Traitor Eds: how could you date my best friend when you dated me?

Late Rich: I can because you wanted to fuck my best friend WHEN WE WERE DATING

Traitor Eds: oh please we were BARELY dating.

Late Rich: I loved you when you did that Eds. I don't call that barely dating

Traitor Eds: don't call me Eds.

Late Rich: you seemed fine with it while we were dating.

Traitor Eds: well were not dating anymore.

Late Rich: well you've made that clear.

Traitor Eds: good.

Late Rich: fuck you.

Late Rich: I texted you because i missed you and i wanted to be friends again, i didn't come here so you could fucking make me feel bad for loving someone who is not you. Oh and god forbid that I'm happy with them! Because that would be too much! Wouldn't it Eddie?

Traitor Eds: you missed me?

Late Rich: of course, we used to talk every day and now we don't talk at all.

Traitor Eds: tbh i missed you too.

Late Rich: but you've changed Eds

Traitor Eds: you haven't.

Traitor Eds: grow up rich! Were all gonna change eventually were not 15 anymore.

Late Rich: fuck you eds.

(Late Rich blocked you.)

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