A certain cousin

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Mike W. and Richie chat:
Rich the Bitch: dude, I'm really sorry but can I stay at your place for the night.
Cool Mike: um, no.
Cool Mike: and why anyway
Rich the Bitch: I ran away
Rich the Bitch: all my friends think im dead
Cool Mike: wow. Why?
Rich the Bitch: Eddie broke up with me, he was all I had, he was literally my world.
Cool Mike: I'm sorry rich.
Cool Mike: I'm sure I can convince a certain cousin of yours to let you stay a few nights
Rich the Bitch: ReAlLy!?!?
Cool Mike: yeah, just get your ass over here now before my mom gets home.
Rich the bitch: Im on my way amigo.
(Rich the Bitch left the chat)

Mike W. and Eddie chat:
Wheeler: don't tell anyone, Richie's at my place.
Kaspbrak: He is! Ohmygod he's not dead!?
Wheeler: No, but he's in bad shape.
Wheeler: Don't try to contact him.
Kaspbrak: Why?
Wheeler: he needs space, and quite frankly so do I.
(Wheeler left the chat)

The losers club chat minus richie------Is Richie Dead? Chat:
Depressed Eddie: He's alive.
Concerned Bev: Really! Jesus Fuck, thank god all that shit, I thought I lost my bridesmaid!
Worried Stan: Not the point beverly.
Crying Mike: HE'S ALIVE!!! OHMYGOD!!! That asshole, he just left us!
Blue Ben: Guys, just think logically Richie would have never actually killed himself, he has us, no offence Eddie, but you're not the only person Richie cares about.
Sad Bill: It's great and all that Rich is alive but ben's right...
Concerned Bev: Really Who?
Sad Bill: Some girl from his school named holly.
(Depressed Eddie changed Sad Bill's name to Insensitive Bill)
Insensitive Bill: What was that for?
Depressed Eddie: it's true, we all thought Richie killed himself and you're more worried about your brother's love life.
Blue Ben: He has a point.
Concerned Bev: Okay you two, back off. And Eddie, just because your boyfriend dissapired for a few days doesn't give you a reason to fight us and push us away.
Depressed Eddie: u sure?
Crying Mike: guys, chill
Depressed Eddie: No guys, don't chill. Richie almost died and none of you care.
Concerned Bev: First of all, Richie ran away, he didn't 'almost die' and second of all, we do care, do you see the names in this chat? All the proof you need of us caring is right in front of you, just scroll up in the damn chat Eddie!
(Depressed Eddie left the chat)

Eddie and Mike chat:
Kaspbrak: Can I come see Richie?
Wheeler: He left, as soon as he woke up this morning, said he was leaving derry.
Kaspbrak: and you didn't call me?!?!?
Wheeler: he said not to, that It would just make this so much harder if he had to say goodbye
Kaspbrak: did he say he was going to his house first?
Wheeler: yeah, I think so.
Kaspbrak: cool, that buys me some time...
(Kasprak left the chat)

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