fuck reddie.

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Stan and mike chat:

Fridge boy: fuck.

Fridge boy: fuck fuck

Fridge boy: fuck fuck fuck

Microwav: good morning to you too stan

Fridge boy: FUCK

Microwav: may i ask?

Fridge boy: go ahead

Microwav: okay so what the fuck is going on with you fridge boy?

Fridge boy: reddie.

Fridge boy: FUCK REDDIE

(Microwav changed Fridge boy's name to 'fuck is my favorite word boy')

Microwav: thats better.

Fuck is my favorite word boy: haha so funny dickface.

Microwav: so what's going on with reddie?

Fuck is my favorite word boy: i went to eddies house to appologise and richie was sitting on the couch with his shirt off and his lips were P U F F Y!

Microwav: *ghasp* puffy lips what a scandall

Microwav: top 10 anime plot twists if you ask me

Fuck is my favorite word boy: fuck you.

Microwav: do it yourself coward.

Fuck is my favorite word boy: uncalled for perhapp?

Microwav: perhapp, im sorry.

Fuck is my favorite word boy: good.

Microwav: now explaing tf is going on maybe they wernt making out.

Fuck is my favorite word boy: no! Maybe richie was just sucking his dick thats so much better! I can sleep at night now! My boyfriend was just sucking his ex's dick! Thank G O D!

Microwav: Thank the lords! It's just a dick sucking!


Microwav: alright then. Well what are you going to do?


Stan staired at the screen, pondering the question.

"Im gonna fucking kill myself."

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