Come back asshole

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Bill and Richie chat:
Billiam: Come back asshole now.
Billiam: Eddie's about to leave looking for you.
Richard: He's not going to find me and doing this is not going to bring me back
(Richard left the chat)

Bev and Richie chat:
Beauty: Richie?
Dipshit: Yeah, I'm here
Beauty: Took ya long enough! Look, I can't find Eddie, none of us can. We think he went after you, now dickface you need to tell us where (and why) the hell are you going.
Dipshit: Beverly, please just let me go, there is nothing left for me in Derry now that I've lost Eddie.
Beauty: ExCuSe YoU MiStEr! All the losers are here and so is Eddie (Sends screenshots of Is Richie Dead chat)
Dipshit: You guys thought I was dead!??!?!
Beauty: this name seems even more suitable now, just think about it, you have depression and you can't really control what you say or do...
Dipshit: Oh shit guys, I'm really fucking sorry.
Beauty: yeah, fuck you asshole.
Dipshit: I can't believe I did that to you guys.
Beauty: Just come back and undo it then, I promise you Eddie wants you back, but you going through with this is just making it worse.
Dipshit: you know I can't come back bev
Beauty: Why not?
Dipshit: Just can't.
(Dipshit left the chat)

Eddie and Bev chat:
Bevvie: He's not coming back, I asked. But then again, I'm not the one he would come back for
Eds: No, I'm not texting Richie, he'll know I'm coming
Bevvie: He already does.
Bevvie: Sorry.
Eds: What! How!?
Bevvie: not Important now, just text him and tell him how much you miss him and that you want him (to come) back
Eds: you do that way to much
Bevvie: what?
Eds: for one example: "that you want him (to come) back
Bevvie: fine...
Bevvie: Just do it Eds.
(Bevvie left the chat)
Eddie and Richie chat:
Trator Eds: Richie plz come back, I miss you so much, we all do.
Late Rich: Really, but what about that Mike thing?
Trator Eds: He came onto me, that was a one time thing. You really think I'd leave you for your stupid cousin?
Late Rich: No, not really.
Late Rich: I'm really sorry eds. I'm at the corner Dearborn and Maple, come get me.
(Late Rich left the chat)

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