I have a problem.

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Eddie and Mike chat:
Lil Lamb: Mike, I have a problem
Mikey: What is it Eds?
Lil Lamb: Don't call me Eds mike, you know I hate it.
Mikey: Sorry, but what is it?
Lil Lamb: I think I have a crush on Bill.
Mikey: But you're with Richie
Lil Lamb: aside from the fast that Bill is taken... again.
Mikey: How serious is this crush?
Lil Lamb: i got it pretty bad mike, you know if im telling you (or anyone) this it must be pretty serious. I don't like to talk about my feelings at all.
Mikey: Mehga oof maayteeeee. Bill is going to be really hard to get and Richie loves you and this will break his heart loosing you. so if you still love richie like at all I'd say try to ignore this crush and focus on what you have.
Lil Lamb: I still love richie, like alot more than Bill, wayyyy more
Mikey: Alright then, you know what you have to do.
(Mikey left the chat)

The Losers Club chat:
Trashmouth: Guys I'm sad and bored can we talk about something stupid?
Molly Ringwald: Sure, lets just talk about you.
Trashmouth: ahahah very funny bev but seriously
Molly Ringwald: Okay.. who is your favorite ship in the losers club(not canon.)
Trashmouth: Darn it bev! Dear Spaghetti head and I are clearly endgame and still happen to be in the losers club, you make my life so hard
Sad Stan: It's extremely weird (and probably jinxed) that you ship you and your boyfriend.
Molly Ringwald: Well, Mine is easy so I'll go first: Mike and Stan, you guys are not canon anymore so its fair
Haystack: Well for me it's Eddie and Bill.
Trashmouth: How dare you steal my man Bill! But I ship it as a friendship not a romanticship
Molly Ringwald: ahahahah beep, beep you wetend
Yuppers Mike: Yeah I agree with Richie though, as friends. Right Eddie?
Eds: yeah.
Molly Ringwald: what was that about?
Haystack: T E A
Big Bill: Yeah, I'm confused. Whats going on?

Richie and Eddie chat:
Late Rich: Yeah Eddie, what was that about? we need to talk.

---Might be the last chapter--


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