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A week has past and there is still no change in Quinn. She's stable but not conscious. Puck had been at the hospital everyday that week, waiting. He didn't want her too wake up on her own.

Puck was sitting by the bed like he had done for the past week, every second slowly losing his mind. Today Finn, Rachel and Santana were going to stop by. Puck was glad that he and Quinn had good friends to get them through the hard times.

'Hey.' Puck said lowly as the trio entered the room.

'Any news?' Santana asked.

'No.' He replied. 'She's been the same for the past week, they still can't tell if the baby will-' he couldn't even finish the sentence.

'Why does this shit always happen to the best people?' Santana said loudly.

'Santana.' Finn said putting his hand on her shoulder in an attempt to calm her down.

'No!' She protested. 'Quinn is a much better person than I am, why is she the one that gets hurt.'

'It was an accident.' Rachel explained. 'Quinn being in this position is no ones fault.'

'I should have drove her home.' Finn said, he remember how he pleaded with her to let him drive her, he had a bad feeling but let her go. 'I-I should have made her get into the car.'

'Or if I would have made her stay that extra couple of minutes.' Rachel said sadly.

'There is no point drowning in what could have been.' Puck said, speaking for the first time in what felt like forever. 'It happened, now we need to be strong and hope that Quinn can hear us and get through it.'

The trio nodded suddenly feeling guilty, yes they were Quinns closest friends but Puck loved Quinn and they were having a baby, they couldn't even imagine what he was thinking.

The nurses came in to give Quinn her daily check, to make sure that she was still stable in her breathing and checking her heart rate. Puck leant against the wall watching it happen.

Loud beeps erupted the room, the heart monitor was going off the rails. The nurses panicked and hurried Puck out of the room, his heart broke, something was wrong.

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