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'Bethany this is your new home.' Quinn said holding baby Beth in her arms. The couple were released from the hospital that morning.

Quinn sat on the couch with her baby in her arms while watching Puck unload all of the baby's things.

'I was thinking, can the baby sleep in the room with us?' Quinn asked, she was already dreading leaving the baby alone in the room.

'Yeah. I was gonna ask you if it was okay.' Puck said finishing what he was doing and taking a seat next to the girls. 'This doesn't feel real.'

'I know.' Quinn said.

'My mom and sister are flying in tomorrow.' Puck stated. Quinn had briefly met Pucks mom Ruth and sister Sara and Finn and Rachel's wedding nearly 7 months ago. She liked them and couldn't wait for them to meet Beth.

'Have you spoke to your mom?'

'I told her that the baby was born but I haven't got a reply. I don't have a family anymore.'


'I haven't finished.' Quinn said. 'I don't have a family by blood, I have Santana, Rachel and Finn. But most importantly I have you and Beth. The best two people I could ask for.'

'I love you.' Puck whispered.

'I love you too.'


After Puck had moved the crib into Quinn and Pucks room Beth was fast asleep and Quinn and Pu k were still reeling from the events but Quinn eventually went to sleep.

Soft cries filled the room at 3am when Beth woke up. Puck picked her up and walked into the living room. Quinn slowly blinked herself awake and noticed that both Puck and Beth were gone.

Curious, the blonde crept slowly and saw Puck holding Beth and softly whispering to her. 'You are the luckiest girl in the world. Your mom is the best person I have ever met. Everyday when I wake up I thank my lucky stars that I met her.' Quinn swooned at Pucks words.

Quinn crept back into bed when he heard Puck getting readying to Puck Beth back into her crib and felt his strong arms wrapped around her and kiss her forehead.

Quinn felt like the luckiest girl in the world.

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