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It been two weeks since they've seen each other. Two week craving each other's company.

It was Finn and Rachel's engagement party and the blonde had to attend and she knew he'd be there. She didn't know why the though of seeing him made her head swim.

'Quinn can you start letting the guests in?' Rachel said snapping her out of her thoughts.

'Sure.' She said walking to the door of the hall. The blonde wore a simple light pink dress with her hair straight and white heels.

The first guest to arrive were Mike and Tina who got married a few years back. Then Sam arrived, the two dated in junior year and was her last boyfriend.

'Quinn, looking as good as ever.' Sam said pulling the blonde into a hug.

'Hey Sam.' She greeted him. He had grown into his trouty mouth and looked good. Sam was pulled away from the blonde by Artie and Santana pulled Quinn over to the corner.

'You are not hooking up with Evans tonight.'

Quinn face screwed up in disgust. 'I wasn't planning on it, Jesus Santana is that all you take me for?' 

'No.' Santana shrugged. 'I need to get drunk if I'm going to make it through a night centering around Rachel Berry.'

Quinn was at the bar getting another drink when Rachel put her hand on her shoulder. 'Don't look now but Noah just walked in.' Rachel watched as Puck walked into the hall and was holding hands with a blonde. 'Actually, don't look at all.'

Confused, the blonde looked around and saw Puck with another girl, she didn't have a right to be jealous. It's not like they were dating, they only kissed twice. 'Whatever.' She said swallowing the lump in her throat. 'It's not like we're dating.' And with that she walked away.

An hour later a slow song blared across the hall and Quinn really wanted to make Puck to realise what he's missing. 'Sam come and dance with me.'


'Yes!' She extended her hand for him to take. The boy pulled her close and she could feel his breath on the back of her neck. The blonde could also feel Pucks eyes burning into her skin.

'What's the deal with trouty mouth?' Puck asked Santana who he had met a few years back.

Santana took a sip of her martini before answering. 'They dated in junior year. He was her last boyfriend.' She replied. 'Why Are you jealous?'

'Pfft, no.' He answered convincing exactly no one.

'If you like her so much, why'd you bring another chick, who you haven't even spoken to?'

'I don't know.'

After the slow dance Quinn hugged Sam and excused herself to freshen up and headed for the bathroom. The blonde fixed her eyeliner and applied a fresh layer of lipstick, she took a deep breath and walked out of the bathroom but was startled by someone standing in front of her.

'What the hell Quinn?' It was Puck, she had never seen him like this, his jaw was clenched and his eyes were dark, he looked sexy, it took everything in Quinn to not kiss him.

'Well hello to you too Puck.' She said nonchalant.

'So are you back with you ex? 'Cause that's what it looked like.'

Quinn rolled her eyes. 'Seriously?'

'Yeah, one minuet were... ya know and the next you're slow dancing with you ex. What is going on with us?'

Quinn wanted to scream out In frustration. 'What is going on here Puck? We nearly kissed and then you ignore me for two weeks and I don't hear from you and I had to ask Finn and Rachel if you were okay because you weren't calling.

'I'm sorry, I-'

'And then I couldn't wait for tonight because I knew that you'd be here and then I see you walking in with some blonde.'

'I wanted to make you jealous.' He said a took both her hands in his. 'You're the only person I wanted to be here with.'

'God I don't know whether I want to push you off of a bridge or kiss you.'

'Can I pick?' He said with his infamous boyish smirk playing on his lips. Quinn raised an eyebrow and pulled Pucks neck down to kiss him. The kiss was filled with lust and passion every second craving each others touch.

'Let's get out of here.' Quinn said breaking the kiss. 'I'll tell Rachel that I have a headache and then five minuets later tell Finn that work called and you have an emergency.'

Quinn told Rachel her end of the plan and left the party without a problem and five minutes later Puck walked out of the hall and got into the blondes car.

Finn and Rachel both walked to each other in the middle of the hall. 'Do they think we're that stupid?' Finn said

'They are totally hooking up tonight.' Santana said walking past the pair.

The couple screwed their faces up in disgust. 'Santana!' Rachel warned.

'Come on you could cut the sexual tension with a knife? They a definitely gonna do it.'

Let's just say Santana wasn't wrong.

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