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'I-I'm pregnant.' The blonde stuttered, he watched the expression on Pucks face change, his normally tanned skin went white, like all of the blood had drained out of his body.


'Yeah.' Quinn replied.

'Are you sure? I mean sometimes there are false positives and-'

'Puck.' She said lowly. 'I went to the doctor, I'm one month pregnant.'

'I-I don't know what to say.'

'Puck if you don't want to do this with m, it's fine-'

'No.' He said stopping her. 'I want to do this, it's just a bit of a shock.' He blinked a few times before speaking again. 'You knew at the wedding?'

'I found out that morning, I wanted to tell you but I was still reeling from the news, that's why I ignored you. I'm sorry.'

'Don't be.'

Quinn felt a weight lifted off her shoulder. 'Are you sure you want to do this with me? I don't want you too feel like this is an obligation.'

'Q, you are not an obligation. We are going to do this together.' Puck said standing up from the bench they was sitting on and extending his hand to help the blonde up. She took his hand and they continued to walk back to the party, their hands didn't leave each other's.

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