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'We might be able to find out the baby's gender today.' Quinn said as she walked along the street next to Puck, it was the baby's 20th week check up.

'Do you wanna know?'

'I'd like to be prepared.' Quinn responded. Living with Puck the last two months was heaven. Puck was basically in her back and call and they'd stay up talking until finally parting into separate rooms, Quinn was still sleeping in a separate room, she wanted to make that crossover so badly but wanted to wait until she knew that her and Puck were in it for the long game.


The pair walked into the doctors appointment and took a seat in the waiting area. Quinn's leg was bouncing up and down and her hands were clammy. She always got nervous at appointment she normally did a better job at controlling her nerves but not today.

Puck clearly saw the blondes anxiousness and Held the blondes hand. 'You're going to be fine.' Quinn smiled softly.

'Quinn Fabray.' The doctor called. Quinn griped onto Puck hand harder as they entered the room. The blonde took a seat on the bed and laid down. The rest of the check up was the normal routine. 'Would you like to know the gender?'

'Yes.' Quinn said quickly and held onto Pucks hand.

'Congratulations you are having a baby girl.' The doctors then excused herself to collect the sonogram pictures. Quinn couldn't contain her smile and by the look on Pucks face he couldn't either.

'A girl!' Quinn said grinning from ear to ear. Quinn didn't know why but everything felt real now. The two embraced and when they pulled away they looked at each other and the blonde realised that she could trust Puck and that they could raise their baby girl together, she couldn't stop herself and she kissed him. Finally doing what she wanted to do for such a long time.

'Couldn't resist me, Fabray?' He said once they pulled away.

'Guess not.' She smirked reattaching their lips.

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