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He wanted to see her but the stupid doctors wouldn't let him. He was scared, she couldn't die. He called Santana to the hospital because he couldn't be alone awaiting the news.

'I'm sorry for my outburst earlier, it was way out of line.'

'It's cool.' Puck replied. 'I was sick of people saying that everything was okay and you told the truth, so I appreciate it.'

The Latina smiled. 'What's happening in there?'

'The heart rate monitor went nuts and the pushed me out, they haven't told me a thing but it's been an hour.'

'You love her, don't you?'

'More than anything.' Puck replied sadly knowing he may never get to tell her.

'Quinn is going to be fine, she's strong.'

5 minuets later a nurse approached the pair. Puck immediately stood. 'Is everything okay?'

'Why don't you see for yourself?' The nurse said and the pair walked into the room and saw Quinn, alive and awake, 'Ms Fabray and Her baby girl are going to be fine.'

Quinn smiled as they entered the room.

'I'll give you two some time.' Santana said walking back to her seat in the waiting area.

'You scared me.' Puck said.

'I-I scared myself.' Quinn said weakly. 'I-Is the b-baby Okay?'

'Yeah. Everything's okay.'

Quinn smiled widely and put her hand on her stomach. 'I'm sorry.'

'Why are you sorry?'

'I shouldn't have been so stubborn, I should have let Finn drive me home.'

'Don't say that, look you are fine and our baby girl is fine.'

She smiled. 'I-I could hear you talking to me in the coma.'


'Y-You said that you were in love with me.' She stated. 'Is it true?'

'Yeah. I love you more than I've ever loved anything or anyone.' Puck revealed finally telling her what he had wanted to ever since the wedding. Sure he didn't get to do it in the special and romantic way he wanted to too, but it was even better.

'I-I love you too.' Quinn said. 'That was the only thing I was thinking about when the accident happened, how I might have died without you knowing that I love you.'

'Quinn you scared the hell out of me.' Santana said suddenly coming into the room.

'You kind of ruined a moment.' Puck said.

Santana shrugged and sat next to Quinn. 'Don't scare us like that again.'


'I love you Q, you're my best friend.' Santana said.

'Should I leave?' Puck teased.

'Shut up.' Santana teased back.

'When can I go home?'

'I think they want to keep you in for a few more days.' Puck answered. 'To monitor you.'

'I wanna sleep in my own bed.' Quinn sighed.


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