| The Merfolk | F & M |

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Name: Raila Oh

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Name: Raila Oh

Age: Twenty-one

Face Claim: Roh Jisun

Species: Mermaid

Power: Erasing memories, as a mermaid and in korea, they are known to erase memories of humans. They often do it to ensure their safety so that no one knows about them. They also do it to save people form being hurt by things, bad memories, other things of that nature if they trust a person. |

Personality: She is a very curious girl, everything above the sea really peaks her interest. She has always dreamed of what it was like, unfortunately she was prohibited from every going above the water. It wasn't said for mermaids or mermen, they stayed away for humans for their own perfection. She is very naïve to things above the sea, which is quite sad to most but to her it is normal. She doesn't know how to use anything that us humans use. She has found things people have tossed in the water or had gone down with the ships, yet it never works. She doesn't know why it doesn't, she hopes one day she can figure it out. She is fascinated with the smallest things, it really amuses her and is a many wonder to her. She is very kind, she strives to be that way because unlike some, she believes everyone would be treated equally. She knows not all humans are horrible people, and even if they were, she would give them the benefit of the doubt and a second chance. She is a person who believes in second chances, and even more chances after that if they are proven to truly want to change.

Family: Mother - Minlah | Father - Haeson | Brother - Jaiton |

Bio: She has lived in the sea for all her life, never coming up to surface but a few times and each time she got into serious trouble with her pod. She often strays from them but always knows where they are at so she can come back. They vowed never to leave their home no matter what, so she knows no matter how long she is gone they will always be there. She loves her parents and her brother, and they love her, but at times they can be so overbearing and strick. She truly wishes they would trust her and not have people following her. She hates it when people follow her, it isn't fair to her.

Other: When she cries she cries pearls. In many Korean legends, fishermen caught mermaids, abused them so they would cry and they would get the pearls, which they would sell for money. | When she is mostly dry, she becomes a human. She doesn't have to be completely dry just enough where she had no water on her. Her hair takes time to dry, so it isn't immediate like on H2O. | If she finds someone to love and they love her, she stays alive. But if they end up not loving her after some time, her heart begins to grow harden and once it is completely hard, she will die. Now if she can stay in the water and forget about the person she loved, she can live. (depends on the roleplay idea for this one) | Her father is the head of the pod, almost like their king. | She adores fish, especially sushi which she often has to do herself which she hates. At least it is worth it. |

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