| The Greek Princess |

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Name: Annabeth Mavrokordatos

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Name: Annabeth Mavrokordatos

Title: Princess of Greece

Age: Seventeen

Gender: Female

Face Claim: Alexandra Daddario

Personality: She is a very mature when it comes to decisions and rules, she is very diplomatic at times especially when she is giving a challenge to do. Although she does have a playful side if you get to know her you will see it, but she doesn't really have much time to be playful in her job. She is very caring, kind and sweet to everyone she meets even if they are bad people she tries to find the good in them. She doesn't judge a person by first impressions or titles, they mean nothing to her. She is very brave when it comes to standing up for what she believes in. She is very courageous too and she isn't afraid stand up to people either or take the place of someone so they won't get hurt. She is very witty and a very fast learner when it comes to being taught things, she loves to learn and will keep on learning until she dies. She can get mad but she doesn't often since she's a calm person, unless you say or do something against her, the people she loves and knows. She keeps a level head, she is a very patient person, and never rushes through anything. She takes her time and covers all her bases. She sometimes does go against rules, only if she had a good reason to.

Likes: Reading.| architecture.| archery. | running. | doing optical courses. | making friends. | helping people. | talking to her father. | singing. | drawing. | painting. |singing. | tea. | cookies. | pasta with cheese. | cheese. | being outdoors. | having fun. | the rain. |piano. |  cooking. | dancing (or what's what you could call it). | architecture. |

Dislikes: Spiders. | dying alone. | losing the people she loves. | bullies. | people who think they're better than another person. | people doubting her ideas. | people making her think she is crazy. | people disrespecting her. | lightning. | rebels. | weapons. |

Fears: | Being helpless. | being in situation from which there is no escape.  | She is very sacred of death and has come close but she disliked the feeling and never wants it to happen until she is very very old. | Getting her heart broken and being madly in love with someone who doesn't love her back. |

Flaws: She commits her all into everything, and when something goes wrong she take it hard and blames herself for not realizing the mistake. | She put her heart out there, and can easily get hurt when she sees someone that she loves. |

Weaknesses: People insulting her and telling her she can't do it or her idea is ridiculous. | others being hurt and being unable to help. | talking about her passed away cousin. | people disrespecting her because she is a woman. | seeing other people hurt. |

Strengths: People backing her up on her ideas. | her thinking over something and having many plans in place in case one fails. |

Family: Mother - Athena | Father - Fred | Brother - Chase { Twenty-Four - Heir to the Throne } | Sister - Juliana { Fourteen } | Brother - Andy { Ten } |

Bio: Being the next in line for the throne is very tough. She has taken every class and everything her brother does so if he becomes unfit to rule she takes the throne. In her family, girls are to act like girls so she never really got to be normal. She tried to be as normal as she could by acting like the castle staff' children and play with them when her family wasn't around. She never gets to have fun or be herself because she is always following the rules of the kingdom. She has to be in bed at a certain time, get up at a certain time, she is on a schedule and she has lately got it loosened up. Her life has been pretty boring.

Other: She wants to fall in love with someone, she doesn't care the title she just wants love. | Her blood type is A-B positive. | She is allergic to walnuts. | Her mother named her after Annabeth Chase, who she adored in the book series.  |


Location: Athens, Greece

Time Period: Illean like times



× Must me a male who is older than her

× Must be skilled in horseback riding and has his own horse

× (optional) play another minor character or have me play a certain character of your choice if you choose scenario three.


Scenario One: You are the prince if a foreign kingdom, youngest in your family, you are having an arranged marriage to Annabeth. Your carriage pulls up to the castle and Annabeth, along with her family is standing out on the steps you?

Scenario Two: You are her personal guard who follows her around everywhere. She is annoyed that she has a guard and she tries everything to lose you. She goes to the cliffs to look out like she normally does, but an arrow zips by her head and she loses her balance, you? (I will start this one off for us)

Scenario Three: You make it up

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