| The Sister |

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Name · Genevieve (Your OC's Last Name)

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Name · Genevieve (Your OC's Last Name)

Nicknames · Evie | Gen | Gennie | Genny | Nevi

Age · 15

Gender · Female

Face Claim · Olivia Sanabia

Personality · She is one big girly girl, she adores anything pink, sparkly or shiny, if it doesn't have one of those things, she won't have it, unless she makes an exception. She is really naive at times, she doesn't understand most things people says. Mainly due to how innocent she is, and how she has kinda been sheltered about adult matters. She doesn't mind though, she doesn't look her age, so, she is milking it out for all its worth. Though it makes her quite gullible, and no matter how many times it gets turned around to be bad for her, she still is that way. She has a big heart, but it also sets her up for being really sensitive, which is not a good thing. She has this bright sunny happiness radiating off her everywhere she goes. A smile is always plastered on her lips, along with bright eyes and a cute giggle. She is always polite and uses her manners, doing everything she knows a lady should do. She is as sweet as a peach, if you are on her good side, and everyone is pretty much on her good side. She is optimistic, always looking on the bright side of things, after her emotions get the best of her, and she hates that more than anything. She gets too attached to people who are nice to her, then if something happens it's like her whole world came crashing down. Most the time she just cries when she gets insulted, when something is to hard she doesn't follow through she just quits because she can't handle it at all. Sometimes she stalls and just can't make herself move or do anything. She will not hesitated to stand and back up for something she believes and knows is right. She looks up to her big brother, he is her role model, she strives to hope that one day she will be like him.

Likes · Macaroons, she adores those French pastries, she can often be found munching on them with whatever she is doing. | Breakfast at Tiffany's, its one of her classic movies that she never gets tired of watching. | Horses, she has always dreamed of riding a horse, she hopes to be able to when she gets older. | Doing hair, makeup and nails, she is quite the fashionista, so, beware when talking about going places and having to get dressed up, she will offer and you never say no | Singing, it's more of a fun thing to do, than anything else. She doesn't think she has a good voice, but she just loves to blurt out songs, not caring what anyone says | Hanging with her brother, he is her role model, she adores him, she strives to be just like him | Romance, she is a romantic sap, always ooh and awwing at couples, for most it is either annoying or sickening, but not for her |

Dislikes · Rude people, she is not fond of those who talk over you, never let you get a word in edge wise, ones who are sarcastic and utterly insensitive, those who love to argue, yell and scream, start a fight and are finally stuck on themselves. She tends to stay as far away as she cam from them. | Embarrassment and humiliation in public, if you want to call her out in private. She hates being humiliated in front of everyone. | Grapes, shockingly she hates all things that taste of grape. She always has and has never made such a bug deal about it. | Being sick, ugh this is the one thing she dreads most of all. She hates feeling all horrible and everything that comes with being sick she loathes. | Storms, she has always been afraid of them, especially the lightening and thunder. Just the found freaks her out and makes her heart race and she does get slight anxiety about it as well.

Fears · Losing her sibling, that is her only fear. It may seem odd that she doesn't feat bugs, death, clowns, small spaces or anything normal people have fears of. She loves sibling so much, and would hate anything to happen to them it would kill her, she would die inside because of it. Just the thought freaks her out, so, she tries not to think about anything happening to them, since nothing was going to ever happening to them.

Flaws · Being way to sensitive, as stated in her personality, it makes her take things way out of proportion, which is what they were never entailed to do so. On top of that, she is also gullible, and that is one flaw no one should have, its bad for those who have it and haven't learned not to be that way. |

Other · She isn't much of a swimmer, she can swim, but it's not really her favorite thing to do | She often hums unknowingly and if you bring it up to her, she will deny it, even if she was, she didn't know she was doing it | She likes mixing skirts with sneakers and heels with shorts, trying new fashion styles (but keeping it age appropriate) | She has a few friends, but they are only neighbors, she likes to keep to herself and is passionate about school | She has never had a crush on anyone, and she is just waiting until she finds that special someone, personality matters for her |



× Can be an older or younger sibling of any gender

× Wholesome sibling relationship or chaotic sibling relationship

× Can be biological or adopted sibling


Scenario One: TBA

Scenario Two: TBA

Scenario Three: You make it up / We talk about it

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