× Rules ×

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Here are the rules, please try and follow them and read them all until the bottom. These are just basic rules nothing to hard to follow.


1) Censor curse words or use filler words. Wattpad tends to flag any comments with that type of stuff because they're whole system doesn't know the difference between harmless context or bullying. Blah, so, just try and censor them.

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2) No one liners. By that I mean "I love you," He said.
That can get kinda boring for both parties.
Just try to at least write the tone they use and a small action if possible. No worries if you don't want to, it's totally okay.

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3) Third Person only. I'm not a fan of first or second unless it's for anon rping purposes or written in a book. It does good for one person but not two people role-playing together.

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4) Go right ahead, have a sob backstory, be an orphan, have a disability, after all I like to keep it real life like, because not everyone has a perfect life. I know I didn't, I didn't have a normal childhood, I never got to go anywhere fun. Not everyone has parents or is "perfect" as most say. I have dyslexia, a learning disability, heck I don't even know my right from my left still! Add as much trauma spice as you want. Flavor those ocs with. Traumatize them. Mwahhaha.

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5) I am sorry guys, but I do not feel comfortable with RPing girl X girl or boy X boy in a romantic way. It's nothing against the person or or their sexuality preference, I just am not comfortable with rping that.
It doesn't apply to ENBY characters ♡

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6) No controlling. No controlling others characters.
It isn't exactly nice to the other roleplayer.

Example of Controlling: ... Nina glared a murderous glare at Hilary's words she had spoken to her. She couldn't believe the ordasity of the girl. Who did she think she was? The captain? Oh no, she was just a girl who wanted to be in high authority.  She stabbed her shoulder with her sword, laughing as she twisted it.

Example of Not Controlling: ... Nina glared a murderous glare at Hilary's words she had spoken to her. She couldn't believe the ordasity of the girl. Who did she think she was? The captain? Oh no, she was just a girl who wanted to be in high authority. She jabbed the sword at the girl's shoulder, hoping to hit her. 

Hilary was swift and moved out of the way of the jab. Her heart was racing as she moved her blade up, making it clash with Nina's as she tried to push the girl off her balance. She had every right to say what she had said, it was true, the girl was nothing but a psycho. 

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7) When speaking out of character, when it is just between you and the other person use parentheses () or {} or [] those little guys, don't go over bored with them, one or two I just fine, though I've been known to be creative with them at times especially when there's a time skip.

I don't want when your trying to tell me something to get confused with the rp because that would he awkward.  

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8) Max of 500 comments before we move onto a new chain. I don't want to spam up one chain so we can't go back and reread what we have rped. I mean who doesn't want to reread what we have rped, after all this is a story we are creating here. I like to reread my rp chains after we have done them when I have nothing better to do.

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9) Make plot twists. Yes I want you guys to so make plot twists, not on the rp specials, but on the ones with you and me. I am down for any kind of plot twist be honest. Get creative as much as you can! I could always use others to help make it better. Go as crazy as you want with the plot twist but don't go to crazy where it can get our of hand or I don't understand it at all. I am giving you free reign to do anything you want to spice things up.

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Don't be afraid to ask me anything, I'm a pretty chill person.

And a kinda not rule because I can't say it flat put but no lemons ( ;-; ) I do not want this book taken down because of it. But we can do it on like on pinterest or insta if possible XD

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