| The Flame & The Crown |

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Name| King Marco DeLuca of Avalon

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Name| King Marco DeLuca of Avalon

Age| 51

Face claim| Sergio Castelitto

Personality| He is very cruel and evil, he will do anything to get what he wants. He has no heart, what heart he has is black, hard and covered in ice, since he feels nothing. He may appear to be a good and loyal person, but that is just a sly trick to make people believe what they want so he can clean them out easily. He doesn't think twice before killing someone, unless they are begging for mercy and can service him, he let's them live. He oddly enough has many lovers, and he seems to be a ladies man, which is so hard to understand why, since he is so cruel. But to women he likes he treats them well, as well as people as well. He gets angry and frustrated very easily and is always up for a challenge. He gets what he wants no matter what it is, and for one thing is for sure, he will take out as many people as he can. He is quite arrogant and loves to tease and taunt people with what they can't have, it is amusing to him.

Hobbies| Swordsmanship; rendezvous with women; harming people who haven't kept their promise or fulfilled their duty to him;

Skills| He is very handy with any weapon he finds, and that means anything can be a weapon for him. His aim, swing everything is so perfect and unbeatable pretty much, everyone loses to him in any battle.

Fears| The only fear he has is being defeated in losing his kingdom, that is the only thing that haunts him at night, yet he doesn't let it bother him. The will to not let his fear come true is what drives him to be the way he is. He has no other fear, since he is to arrogant to think otherwise and it never seems to cloud his judgement.

Phobias| Nothing, he honestly doesn't fear anything, he has no reason too since he always wins everything and gets what he wants.

Family| Sienna { Mother } ~ Dominick { Father } ~ Cecilia { Sister } ~ Arianna { Wife } ~ Dwayne { Son / 23 }

Other| He is the ruler of a foreign kingdom, who wants to rule over all the land and will stop at nothing to do so.



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Name| Jaehyun Shin

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Name| Jaehyun Shin

Age| 24

Face claim| Lee Min Ho

Personality| He is a very loyal man, always looking out for others and having the kingdoms best interest at hand. He will do all in his power and within his moral code, to do good for others and obey his king and kingdom. He has a good heart, and it has always been that way since it was apart of his growing up as a child. He can be very light hearted at times and occasionally joke around, but that is very rare and only to cheer up a sad soul. He is very dedicated in all he does, brave as well, showing no fear when in battle against the enemy. His face is like a stone as his brian works a while a minute with his body in defeating the foe. He will argue with you if what you choose to do is going to end up getting you hurt no matter how stupid it is. Though he may end up giving in and going along but only if he is right beside and helping with the ridiculous plan someone came up with. Yet he ends up having to clean up the mess when it goes south, not that he minds though since he is cleaver with words.

Hobbies| The typical guard things, fencing, running, building up stamina. Those he loves to do, and sees them as hobbies and not as work. He also does enjoy horseback riding and he can ride, gallop and jump bareback, since he has been riding since he was a small child.

Skills| He can speak not only English, but Korean, Japanese and French, with help by his mother when he was a young tot and that falls in line with him beging able to discern where the accent comes from, and the language, even if he doesn't know how to speak it.

Fears| Not being able to protect the royal family, that haunts him the most. He takes his job seriously and dedicates his whole being into servicing them, since he was a "gift" from their alliance kingdom across the seat to protect them, especially the princess.

Phobias| Seeing the royal family die, it himself dying and leaving the royals to fend for themselves, those haunt him more than anything. The idea of being gone and not knowing what is going on, scares him, and no he won't admit it, he does fear it.

Family| Chi Ah { Mother } ~ Do Min { Father } ~ Se-Hwa { Sister / 17 } ~ Seunghee { Sister / 14 } ~ Hee-joon { Brother / 12 }

Other| He is the guard of the princess, very loyal to the royal family and he was send over as a gift from their alliance kingdom across the sea.



× Must be a princess of a very rich and admirable kingdom.

× Must younger than Jaehyun.

× You must be a daddy's girl and love your father who he thinks you hang the world.

× You can have sibling(s) and a mother, although it would be preferred you were the sole heir to the kingdom.


Scenario One: You are the princess of a kingdom, and have been assigned a personal guard who was a peace treaty for a allys kingdom. (Which we can roleplay out if you want). Then during your birthday party a evil king attacks, he walks right in the middle of the ballroom, evil laughing as he greets everyone, you?

Scenario Two: You make it up

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