| The Single Parent | F |

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Name: Yi Cailei

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Name: Yi Cailei

Age: Twenty One

Gender: Female

Face Claim: Kim Hyemi

Personality: She is super caring, putting everyone above herself is what she always does. She is so selfless, she is always willing to sacrifice for others. She loves to help and is very kind, having a huge heart, which leads to her being sensitive as well. She is stern when her kids do something wrong. She is very motherly and protective of her kids, she will do anything for them. She adores them more than anything, and she is grateful to be blessed having these kids, they have made her a better person. Her past is still a touchy subject, hence why she will never bring it up or just brush it off when asked. It hurts to much for her to say, so she just keeps it to herself and acts like nothing happened. She is hard working and will never settle for less than perfect. She is a good busy bee who will do everything she can to keep her kids clothes, fed, housed, anything they need she will make sure they have it

Bio: She the mother of two, three-year-old kids, Taeyoung and Jeui, who she had when she was seventeen. A few months before her eighteenth birthday, which wasn't her fault. She was at her best friends party, someone spiked her drink and took advantage of her resulting in her having twins.



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Name: Jeiu Yi

Age: Four almost Five

Gender: Female

Face Claim: (can't find her name)

Personality: She is so shy, she will hide hee face when people talk to her. She is always at her mother's side and often buries her head in pillows or blankets. She doesn't really talk and if you get her to, bravo, you are special. She is really sweet, and cares about the little animals, and turns up her cuteness to match the baby animals. She is so adorable you will melt over how much she is a mirror of her mother. If she feels comfortable around you, which takes a lot of time, she will cuddle, talk, and just be a normal child. She opened giggles at things she shouldn't be laughing at, but she still doesn't know right from wrong, so give her a pass? She has never threw a tantrum when she didn't get her way, she doesn't really like getting her way, she likes doing what her mom said. She is a rarity, but a blessing, and will grow into a beautiful young lady.

Bio: She is the daughter of Cailei and the oldest twin of Taeyoung by a few minutes and acts younger than he does.



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Name: Taeyoung Yi

Age: Four almost five

Face Claim: (use to know his name but forgot)

Personality: He is nothing but a big ball of energy and giggles, he will ramble on and on about nothing and he sometimes sounds very serious when he does. This kid knows his stuff, well, he picks up on what his uncle says and he sounds quite sophisticated when he does. He will often make animal sounds, just to try and get others to laugh, including his sister. He kisses his sister all the time on the cheek, and hugs her, showing her he loves her in his own way. He tends to act like the boss sometimes, like he will tell you like it is and you may not understand, but play along and act serious. He, unlike his twin, does throw tantrums when he doesn't get his way, but yet again, he is the baby of them, being the youngest. He is a goofball, and will stay like that as he grows up and he doesn't care what others say either.

Bio: He is the son of Cailei and the younger twin to Jeiu but acts older much older mostly because he wants to be like his mother.


× You play the male love interest and he must be at least a few years older than her

× He can have kids or just be a single guy, your choice


Scenario One: TBA
(we can talk about it)

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