| Mr. Cupid | M |

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Name: Taemin Hun

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Name: Taemin Hun

Age: Twenty-Three

Birthday: April 16

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Face claim: Choi San

Personality: You will never meet a more outgoing person than him, he will chat up a storm with anyone. He will make you feel not left out and will help make you comfortable. He is very easy to talk too, and that makes it easy for anyone to come to him for advice. From what he seems around him, he takes in and gives his own advice about what he would do. He has a huge heart, he really does care about everyone no matter who they are. He will not hesitate to help you, even if you day you don't, he will get you to see why you need help. He knows everyone heeds help, it doesn't hurt your pride to ask for help. He doesn't like hurting people, even if they are the bad guys. He always goes for the mame parts of the body, rhe ones that will disable you for the time being put heal and leave nothing behind but a scar. He is very flirty, and his smile is just heart stopping. He is very charming too and such a gentleman. He isn't the one to push boundaries, especially when it comes to friends or people he doesn't know. He will only fo what they are comfortable with and that is it. He will never date his friend's ex, and he tells others don't even go there. They may seem okay with it, but really, they are far from it. He is the one who gives advice but has never personally experienced it, though he does hope too. He is very emphatic and when someone is hurting, he takes their pain on to see how he would tell himself how to get through this.

Talents: Go with words, he is really great with his words. He knows what to say no matter what it is, because he gives special thought to everything that happens. | Singing and dancing, he is really good and it started out as a hobby as a kit and then it turned into a passion. Between two people, dancing can show how much you love them, which is why he always says at least slow dance once during a date. |

Flaws: Trust, he trusts people way to much and even if they break his trust he keeps on trusting them, giving them too many chances. It is foolish, but he is that type of person. He gives exons chances and trusts people even when they give you everything not to trust him.

Likes: Nights - he enjoys the calmness of the night, he prefers it to the day time. He is often found sitting or walking outside at night, since it makes him feel a sense of calm. | Animals - he has a huge soft spot for animals and is always willing to take them in or help them if they need it. He has always wanted one, but could never afford to tale care one one. | Making people happy - ah yes, he always adores making people happy. He a people pleaser, he does everything for everyone else. Seeing someone else smile makes his day. |

Dislikes: Rude people - he is not fond of those who talk over you, never let you get a word in edge wise, ones who are sarcastic and utterly insensitive, those who love to argue, yell and scream, start a fight and are finally stuck on themselves. He tends to stay as far away as he can from them. | Girls or people in general who think they own the world who are so self righteous, who always get their way, think they are the end all be all, and treat others like dirt, whether it be ignoring them, or making them feel less than for what they do. | Being interrupted - he is not not a fan of rude people, especially when they cut in on time you have for someone else or anything else of that sort. He just wants people to respect things and he just hopes people understand. | Anything banana flavored - it hates bananas for an odd unknown reason. Every time he had ever eaten somethinf flavored banana it hasn't ended well for him. |

Fears: Death - and as cliche as some may think it to be, who isn't afraid of dying? I know I am, like her, she is more afraid of not knowing what she going on, then death itself. The faint idea of people needing help, and not being able to help then after are dead, is a haunting feeling if dread. | Heights - A bad experience as a kid, he has vowed never to take on nights again. He is more afraid of falling than the heights themselves. Not that he will admit he is, he would rather keep his feet on the group and not have to be in the clouds. |

Strengths: His optimism - he is always very optimistic about everything that happens. He enjoys looking for the silver linings and good things in all that happen. he doesn't like those who are always pessimist and downers. He will try and make them see the good things and not the bad. | his morals - unlike most people, he has them and aren't afraid to use them it shows others that playing it fair and by the rules is the right thing to do. | Caring nature - he always looks for the best solution that helps everyone, he will not rest until he finds a way that everyone is happy, and everyone gets what they want. |

Weaknesses: Seeing others hurt - it pains him to see others hurting and him not being able to help for whatever reason. But he will do whatever he can, even if it is dangerous, it is just the way he is. He has to help someone he can't just leave them behind, you never leave your team behind no matter what is happening. | pain - He has a very low tolerance for pain, and he hates it when he hurt. All he wants to do is curl into a ball and cry his eyes out. Pain is one things he hates the most, no matter what type of pain it is, the poor guy can't handle or take it. |

Family: Mother - Mina | Father - Jaehyun | Sister - Kailani (14)

Background: He had a pretty normal life, he did good in school, not too bad nor not too good, just average. He was close with both his parents, loved them so much and thought they hung the world. He adores his sister and would always do anything she wished, well, that was good for her that is. They were all really close, still are. Once he got into his teens he had seen people had such a hard time finding love and dating. So, he decided to make a dating app called Mr. Cupid and it is one of the best apps out there. Everyone knows who he is because he is the face of the best daring app out there. He is happy that people has found love, unfortunately for him he hasn't but he hopes too. He doesn't have an account because he just doesn't want to. So, he hopes to find love away from online dating the old fashion way.

Other: He is Korean-American born and raised in America. | He has a huge thing for hotdogs, which is only weird because he eats them as a snack. | He can speak English and Korean, both very fluently and he can switch accents to both countries in a smooth manner. | He had been homeschool for a couple years of his life when he was younger because he freaked out around people. | He has always wanted a horse of his own, but how tall they all, just doesn't sit well with him. |



× Must be a female who had used the app but never found love

× Must never have kept up with the whole hype of the app or know who he is

× Must be old fashion in dating and wanting something in person


Scenario One: Your oc is walking around town, going about their business when you go into a little cafe you want to stop to get some coffee. You are behind Taemin ad you both wait inline, he turns around and says hello, you?

Scenario Two: You make it up

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