| The Burlesque Star | F |

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Korean Name: Daihun Park

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Korean Name: Daihun Park

Burlesque Name: Diamond

Nickname: Dai-Dai, Hunny, Princess, Cherry Bomb, Peaches, Dia, Daihunie, Doll, Buttercup,

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Face Claim: Cho Mi-yeon (G)idle

Personality: She comes off as this seductive girl, who with every movement you get drawn in. The way she looks at you makes you think you are the only person in the room she wants to have. From winks, to smirks, smiles, waves, and other body language, men just drool over her. She nows how to use her body to get money, as well as show off what she has. She is sassy, at times she can be real witch with a capital B when she wants too. She doesn't tolerate crap from anyone, and she will lay it down like it is, like no ones business. She knows how to play the naive and innocent girl to get what she wants when she needs too, but she can quickly turn on a dime to the things mentioned before. Sexy is what she can do, and she knows how to make anything sexy, even if something goes wrong or something doesn't look that good on her, she can fix it to her taste and pull it off.
In reality, that is all a act, away from that she is such a sweet girl. She has such a golden heart, caring for every little thing, from feeding to animals, to helping those who need it. She is a great listener, and will help anyone know needs it, she is there to give advice and support in everything, no matter what it is. She understands more things than most people understands, so she uses that to help others when they need it. It makes her feel happy that she helped someone know needs it, it gives her a reason for life and why she was put here. She takes her time in everything she does to make sure she is at the top of her game and to show that what she has going for her. She is dedicated and will work her butt off to achieve what she wants. And she will make sure the other girls are all set like she is so nothing goes wrong during the show. She knows how it feels to be embarrassed and he doesn't want anyone to feel it like she had felt it.
She can get angry, like cat fight angry if you insult her or the other girl's, since she is kinda protective of them because they are her friends. You do not mess with her or the other girl's unless you want new hole somewhere else you don't want it. She doesn't really do sarcasm, but she occasionally uses it when it really needs it, to show how annoyed she is about something. Don't mess with her is the common reaction people will say speaking about her inside the casino, but outside, she is a different person than inside. She takes her job seriously and doesn't play round or take it lightly, oh no, not at all. She doesn't play games, she is dead set into things that there is no messing around with her. You want a game, go fins someone else who isn't her.

Likes: ~ Singing, she has always enjoyed using her voice to entertain others while doing what she loves best.
~ Dancing, it keeps her body in shape as well as having a lot of fun as well. She loves to just express herself in dance without words being spoken.
~ Dying her hair, she often changes it color to whatever she feels like, she will wear wigs only if she wants a shorter look without cutting it, or extensions to make it longer.
~ Sparkle, she needs everything she has to be sparkly brightly, since she is pretty much a girly girl.
~ Pocky, who doesn't love the Japanese flavor coated sticks that can be used for so many things.
~ Chocolate covered strawberries, they have many reasons to be eaten, and yet they make anyone look sexy taking a bite out of it.
~ Water, she can always be found drinking tons and tons of water. It keeps her hydrated and feeling refreshed for her to do what she does best.
~ Her nail polish that can turn black to show if anything hass any drugs in it that someone can use to make her unable to agree to things. She does let everyone else use them as well, so they can all stay protected.
~ Ice cream and comfy clothes, when she is off from her job, she will get all comfy, eat and watch tv. She will talk to her family and reading a book as well, other than swimming and taking walks around Las Vegas.
~ Being a fangirl when it comes to her kpop music. She will literally just freak out watching or seeing her favorite group.
~ Eating amazing desserts, she loves any dessert that tastes amazing, less how it looks.

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