Chapter 15

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(Miyuki's PoV)

Today everyone will return home... Looking out from my window. Seeing everyone saying goodbye to each other. Yuuki is saying goodbye to Sayori since she will be going far away... Zero? I don't know where he is at the moment but he will come back soon.

"Miyuki chan! Can you please help me with dinner?"

Kaien called out. Better help him out. I have to be honest, Kaien is good at cooking. I quickly go to the kitchen, doesn't want Kaien to wait for me. As I enter, I see him smiling while preparing the ingredients. He notices me and smiles even wider.

"Come here, my dear! Could you please cut the vegetable for me? I forget to get one more ingredient. I will be right back!"

I nodded. Told him to be careful on his way to the store as he quickly go out. Looking at the ingredients on the kitchen counter... Em... What are we making actually?? Oh well...

Humming while cutting some vegetables... I keep thinking about what had happened to me these past few months... Along with Yuuki... Zero... And... Kaname... I sighed and continue cutting but... The kitchen knife that I was holding, the whole counter... Is full of blood... My eyes are wide... Seeing these terrifying things... So... So much blood...

(Zero's PoV)

"Ugh... So damn tired. I wonder what Kaien cooked for dinner.."

After finishing taking shower, I head straight to the kitchen until I heard a scream. That voice... Is Miyuki! I quickly search for her. I can see her sitting and shaking on the ground... Her face is pale... Very pale...

"Miyuki! Are you alright?"

I hold her. She's crying... It hurt to see her in tears. I wipe her tears and hugged her close. I don't know what happens... I better let her calm herself... A few minutes passed, and she stop shaking and backed away a bit... She looked at me with her usual smile... Why... Every time she's sad... She tries to smile...

"Thank you Zero... I'm okay now..."

I sighed. I wanna asked her. Also curious to know what makes her scream... I hope she tells me soon because I won't force her... Because I know that she will tell me...

"Alright... Come on... I help you out with dinner..."

I kissed her forehead and get up. Reaching my hand to her... She takes it as I help her up. I smile... As long I'm here... Nothing will hurt or scare her...

"Okay... Let's start preparing dinner"

~After preparing and having dinner~
(Miyuki's PoV)

I know Zero is curious to know why I was terrified... I didn't tell Kaien about this... Even Yuuki... I don't want them to worry... But... What was that? Why there is so much blood... I saw it when I was thinking about the past... That reminds me... Kaien is the ex-vampire hunter... He probably has a record of my past... I have to ask Zero about this and tell him what happen...

~Next day~

I told Zero about this and Kaien was worried so much about letting us go there. Yuuki also comes along... She wants to know about what happened to her record 10 years ago... Just like me... I know how desperate she wants to know who she is... I can feel how she felt... wondering who she is...

At first, it when well... We did find the record book... Yuuki and I passed were recorded in the same book... Is strange... When we read what happens and try to turn the next page... The page suddenly burned in front of us... Just that one page... It's like it won't let us know the past...

After returning from the Vampire Hunter Headquarters, I can't help to think... Why the page was burned? Was it because of someone who try to hide the truth? Perhaps... Was it him?.. I sighed... Hearing the soft breeze inside my room with the window open... Wondering... What is he doing now?...

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