Chapter 13

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(Zero's PoV)

A week has passed. Yuuki and Kuran senpai still waiting for Miyuki to wake up... I can't help to visit her every single day. Kuran can't visit her that much because he had some urgent duties to do... As for Yuuki, she always looked after Miyuki but I insisted that I will look after her.

Now I'm in the kitchen. Just finished preparing dinner for the three of them. Three? Tonight Aidou will be joining us, the others have followed Kaname out doing some duty who knows what. There's a reason take make Aidou don't wanna follow them.

"What?! He ate for three people and still wants more?"

Yuuki sweatdropped. She didn't believe her eyes that Aidou ate a lot. Even I couldn't believe what I heard from her. Yuuki said maybe Aidou is stress eating. I sighed heavily and make another dinner... Luckily I didn't clean up all the cooking tools yet...

I wish she was here... We all miss her... Miyuki... I hope you wake up sooner or later. It's been a week... We are worried about you... Hn... Especially Kuran... He can't stop himself from visiting you... Just come back to us...

~In a bedroom~
(Miyuki's PoV)

I don't know for how many hours I slept but damn... My body feels sore. I've been dreaming or should I say remembering the past... Is that even real? I shake my head and slowly get off the bed, noticing I was in my nightgown. Did Yuuki change it for me? I ignore it and walked slowly toward the door. I smell something good... I'm hungry.

Exiting my bedroom as my feet take me downstairs to the kitchen. I can hear a conversation. Zero and Yuuki. I guess they are preparing dinner.

"Zero... Yuuki..."

I called out their name. Still weak as I lean on the wall. I smile seeing them but... Their face seems to be shocked. I make my weird face. Um... Did I look weird? Or there is something on my face.

Before I could say any further, Zero dashed toward me at full speed as he hugged me so tightly. The same goes for Miyuki. Why are they so worried? Did they do something? Yuuki already starts crying so suddenly. I panicked and wipe her tears. Zero trembling in my arms. Hiding his face on my shoulder. What happens here??

"Y...You came back... We thought we lose you..."

Lose me? I've been asleep for a few hours... Or was I not?... I didn't dare say anything till everything settle down. I gently comb their hair... Wishing this might calm them for a bit. A few minutes passed, and they take me to the living room. I'm sitting in middle between Zero and Yuuki on the sofa.

"Now tell me... What happen?.."

They looked at me with puffy eyes... Well, not Zero of course... They didn't say anything yet. Zero moves closer and leans his head on my head... His hand still holds mine. Yuuki lay her head on my lap... I used my other hand to pat her head gently... We stay silent for a moment again.

"It's been a week since you were asleep... We try everything to wake you up, Miyuki nee-chan..."

Said Yuuki, breaking the silence. A week? But it feels like hours... Oh, poor my two siblings... I didn't know I worried them so much... No wonder when I woke up my body feel sore and weak...

"I see... I'm sorry I make you worry..."

I said. They shake their head saying that is not my fault... I smile sadly and pull them even closer to me. Then Zero gets up from the sofa. He said he will make some food for me as he head straight to the kitchen. Yuuki still doesn't want to get up from my lap... She must be worried sick that I haven't woken up...

"While you were asleep... Kaname senpai came to visit... Every day when he could... He can't stop wishing that you will wake up sooner... Wish he was here to see you... He's out for a bit for important duties I heard.. "

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