Chapter 11

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( Miyuki's PoV )

I quickly ran towards a building that Zero walked into... Entered the building and searched every room... Searching for him... Until I heard voices... It seems like a boy's and a girl's voices... The boy's voice seems like someone I knew...

"That's right... I never forget it. Shizuka Hiou. That day your face was wet without blood..."

Z-zero?... And... Isn't that Kurenai-san's voice?? S-so... Is she the vampire that makes Zero falls into the darkness?... she is the one that makes Zero suffer for all these years... And that makes Zero avenge... How cruel...

Both of them continue their conversation until I can hear they are about to fight. I was about to go and help him while calling out his name but a hand suddenly covered my mouth.

Who is it?... This warm hug from behind seems familiar... What's going on?... Little did I know... I slowly fell unconscious...

( Kaname's PoV )

"No... I can never lose you... If he is to die here... We don't need him..."

I didn't want to hurt her but... I can't let her save Zero... She is too precious to me... I can't lose her again after all these years... It's enough that I bear this pain of not being close to her every day...

"I'm sorry Miyuki..."

I whispered and hugged her dearly... I miss we spend time together when we were little... Her beautiful smiles... Her beautiful laugh... I miss all of it... That is why... I can't lose you if you decided to help Zero that will end your life... Miyuki...

I leave the place with Miyuki in my arms... It's better to take her away from that place... Luckily Miyuki slept alone in her room... Yes... I did visit her in her room when I have time...

Gently putting her down on her bed... I can't help but admire her beauty... Her beauty shines through the moonlight that shines toward her bedroom window...

"Don't worry... The time will come soon... And when that time comes... I will always be there... To protect you..."

Taking her long smooth hair in my hand... Kissing it gently... I know it won't be the last time I kissed it...

"Till we meet again... My dear Miyuki..."

I whispered... Slowly vanished in front of her... Leaving her to sleep peacefully with her beauty glowing in the dark...

( Miyuki's PoV )

I wake up in my room... Was it all a dream?.. It feels so real... At the same time... I feel lonely... But... Did someone come to visit while I'm asleep?.. I shake my head and get ready for class.

I heard today they are preparing for the dance party tonight. So we don't have a class that much. Everyone is busy preparing... I can see Yuuki trying to help as much as she could... The same old Yuuki... Her kindness in helping people already makes me smile...

But... Yuuki seems a little bit down today... Did something happen?.. Speaking of which... Where is Zero... I walked around to find him... And yes... I did find him... He... He is covered in blood?! I start to get worried...


I yelled out his name and run toward him. He's kinda surprised.

"Zero... Are you okay? Why are you injured?"

I can't help asking a bunch of questions... Was that even a dream?? Was it happen that Zero fought with Kurenai-san? The more I think about it, the more I get a headache. I ignore it and dragged Zero to an empty room... I locked the door and move my hair aside. Zero seems to notice what I want him to do...

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