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As an influencer to society is sometimes difficult to let everyone know how you honestly feel about certain things, it's honestly something every single artist wants to do openly without being judged by others. For my group, constant criticism is usual, something obvious that we see every day. The way we are, the way we write our songs, and the way we try to connect with our fans are different after growing so much throughout the years. We are proud of that.

After seven years of career, we faced new and different obstacles; we even thought about disbanding; however, the love for our fans, the way they keep us motivated, and just the constant words from each other made us stay stable and united. After sharing our thoughts with our fans and the entire world, everyone was devastated by the idea of it. We were sorry for that moment; still, we wanted to share the concerns of our future.

Nowadays, everything has been great; the struggles still there, but little by little, we are learning to hold it together and keep on going with our lives. Also, the opportunities as a group had been more and more, which made us realize that our dreams can become vaster each day. We are grateful for our platform, our fans, and our management team. We are happy that the seven of us learned everything we know together as a group; as one united team. Even though we fight, we always know we can count on each other in everything. In this adventure, that seems to be limitless.

Our mind-sets, hearts, and thoughts changed drastically in some ways; we gave each one of ourselves some hard times during the process of growing up as a Korean boy-group. The pressure, anxiety and even depression were there to attack in any second of the day, and it was hard to find a way to be away from every risky situation that could present to us. I went through a roller coaster of emotions and phases: losing tons of weight because I wasn't pleased with my looks, having hard times before any stage or presentation because I doubted my talent and skills. I even tried to show off a personality that wasn't showcasing my genuine persona. It was tough, but my members, family, friends, and fans were there all the way.

As for love, we never have the chance to meet someone new. A lot of our friends are artists like us since we meet in programs or K-Pop events. Therefore, our label gave us a hard time with that topic for the first years of our career; after all, we needed to show a 'youthful and boyfriend' image to the audience. For the moment we aged up to have five years as a group, they let us date freely; however, the label will have total control over our schedules and the official announcement of the relationship. Sounds complicated, but as Jin-hyung once said, "if you truly love someone, nothing will be complicated."

To be transparent, I haven't experienced 'falling in love' with someone for that long; they are just like my ideal type but nothing more. However, it's been a while since Taehyung, and I started to play around with each other; he teases me from time to time, he calls me baby when nobody is nearby, and he even takes my hand at events.

I'm afraid to fall for him since I think he's just doing it as a joke, or maybe he does it brotherly. Who knows? It also feels wrong to me sometimes because Taehyung also treats Jungkook and the other members with the same love. This situation makes me feel so lonely. I only wish we could stop pretending what we aren't and finally say to each other the truth about the behaviour we are having with one another, even if it can hurt one of us.


Hello! Hopefully, you are having a great day or night! So, this fanfiction very different from the ones I've been doing for about 2 or 3 years. This time is about a ship inside a boy group. I'll do more in the future; however, I wanted to start this off with "Can We Lie?" I hope you enjoy it and that you give it lots of love if you do so. Thank you so much, and enjoy the upcoming adventure.


Can We Lie? || VMINTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon