twenty two: something

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A/N: Hola mates :D HAPPY 20K READS!! exams are officially over so I'll update more frequently now! please vote! It'll be so amazing to reach 2k votes on this book! let me smother you with kisses mua mua mua mua *ew i'm so gross i know haha*

Chapter 21


Saturday Morning

I feel horrible. Ethan's face gloomed in exasperation. I know he's going to erupt. I understand why, because I know I shouldn't be doing this. I bow my head in shame, letting loose hairs swoop across my face.

"What time do you have to get back by?" He bit down his lip.

My eyes widen at his unexpected reaction. Is he not going to object or talk me out of this?

"Uh, he said 8." I mumble.

"That's not a lot of time. We better get moving now." He starts jostling himself out of the covers. "Now? It's barely nine." My mouth shot out before thinking.

"Downtown traffic is outrageous on a Saturday, don't you know?" He raises his hands. "Right, I forgot you don't drive." He slaps his hands on his thighs, sarcasm heavily pricking my ears. Shit... he's angry.

He jumps off the truck's bed, taking a second to balance himself. "Are you fit to drive?" He was obviously still mildly hangover and is in absolutely no condition to drive.

"I'm good," He chirps, then muttering some bitter under his breath.

"And your wrist, you can't-"

"So what, now you're telling me you don't want to go back and meet Gavin?" He raises his voice.

"No, I-"

"Just get in the front." He sharply cuts me off, turning to face the trees and slipping into a fresh change of clothes. Dejectedly, I get off the truck and slam the passenger door. I'm driving both of us nuts.


Saturday evening

We haven't spoken a word since this morning. The only sound that I hear is the punk rock from the ear buds of my iPod and the occasional whirring of the tire tracks speeding against the ground that makes its way into my music. Other than watching AHS: Freak Show (which is so good by the way), I have been staring at the vast deserts and counting trees.

Every time I turned to glance at him, he'd put on a show of being so immersed in driving. I noticed he gripped the steering wheel differently because of his bandaged wrist. It looked uncomfortable, and I felt so guilty. But I didn't say anything; I didn't want to incur his wrath again. Though his eyes were hidden behind his Ray Bans, I could obviously tell he was trying to eye contact, and any form of conversation. If he didn't want to talk, fine with me.

It sucks to end this road trip on such a sulky note.

I think I can guess why he's so mad. He thinks Gavin is a jerk and he's angry at my stupid decision to go back to him. He is pissed that I just abandoned the road trip like that. Yeah, I admit, that was a bitch move. I shouldn't just ditch him like that, it's plain rude. But he said he's be waiting, and I really...

Ugh. How do I even put it into words? I hope he understands that I don't mean to treat him so horribly. I hope he understands that I'm truly sorry.

The truck slowly halts as we turn into Filbert Avenue. Lights that shone through his French windows dimly illuminated the familiar surroundings.

Ethan leans back in the driver's seat, signaling that we had reached. I slowly unbuckle my seatbelt, certain sentiments of hesitation brewing in my head. I anxiously stepped out of the car, grabbing my belongings in one hand. For a moment, I stood in contemplation; do I really want this?

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