seven: numbs

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A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for late update >: This is a chapter with both Ethan and Kelly's pov, go ahead and analyse their characteristics, tell me how they are similar and different! Cheers:) btw it is a continuation of chapter 6, so read that again if you need to refresh ^^




"Kelly?" My thoughts escape aloud. The dude shot strange looks at me as I return the same expressions.

My suspicions begin to arouse. This guy spelled Trouble. I might not-so-academically-inclined, but I definitely score well in being street smart. One look and any idiot will be able to discern him as bad company. Is Kelly dumb or dumb? Maybe she is. Maybe I'm just judgmental.

Why is Kelly unconscious? No offense though, she is as pale as a dead body. Is she drunk? Oh shit, is she dead? "What are you doing with her?" My suspicions arouse.

"Who are you?" He chides, taking offense at the nosy stranger.

"Who are you?" I grit my teeth. He is definitely up to something no good.

"Screw off Kid," He threatens with a menacing death glare.

"She's my friend-"

"She's my friend too," he cuts me off, in effort to win the argument.

"I am not letting you take her in the car. Leave her alone," my blood boils at this stubborn mule. I begin to wrestle the knocked out Kelly out of his grasp.

Rudely, he shoves me at the shoulder. "Get lost. She gave herself up to me," He claims. A cynical scorn takes my face. He just wants to get in her pants.

"Don't even try. She's a minor" I lie to dissuade him and hand her over.

"Sue me." He spits.

I pull out my triumph card. He left me with no choice.

"I'm calling the cops,"


That was easy. I did not expect that dude's balls to be so small. The instant I brought up the police, he quivers, his ego shrivels and reluctantly hands over. He sent me a glare, as if wishing death upon me. What rubbish.

I walk back home, counting the ninety-nine steps till I reach the road break. It is in the wee hours of the morning, and I have an unconscious girl slung over my torso (maybe a dead body who knows). Her hands wrap around my neck, endangering my dear life. I’m not even shitting you on the probability of dying from suffocation.

What the hell kind of situation is this? To come to think about it, Kelly is always getting me into weird shit.

I swiftly unhook the back gate paddle lock and race into the garage. I pull open the doors of Emma (my Volkswagen baby) and settle Kelly into the passenger's seat. She doesn't even twitch an eyelid. Letting my finger hover above her upper lip, I heave a sigh of relief. Thank god I didn't have to dispose of her body in the river. (Ha-ha, just kidding)

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