thirteen: saline

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An early upload, as promised! read my A/N below! <3 (this chapter is dedicated to the cute girl that made me two banners! I'll put it up at the side)


Tuesday Evening

Our afternoon went a little like this:

Much to our disappointment, the Runyon Canyon Park was closed for renovation, so our expedition to the iconic Hollywood sign was a no-go. Ethan wanted to sneak in, but I argued that I wouldn't be paying for his bail if he got arrested.

While aimlessly roaming around, we quickly chanced upon this flyer advertisement for a Segway tour around the city. We, again, spontaneously, registered our names for the four o'clock ride. Not only did I learn that balancing on a Segway is ridiculously challenging, but also that Ethan's ego inflates by 800% if he has a natural flair for an activity. Every, single time I almost lost the Segway momentum (and come so close to crashing onto the concrete pathway), he would scoot from behind and make a face at me. Just today alone, I've seen a vivid assortment of Ethan wonky-expressions that makes me want to dig my own six-foot-deep hole already.

Once an asshole, forever an asshole.

I should have just left him alone at the beginner bars instead of letting him clutch my t-shirt sleeve for the entire two hours; he doesn't deserve my help.

e was so nervous while ice-skating though. I could literally wring out a sweat puddle, bottle it up, label it "Ethan's Masculinity" and hold it against him forever.

But that'd be too much work for a sloth like me. And I won't stoop to such a low level of revenge; I'm classy.

After having 'fun' on the Segway, we parked by the beach and scouted for an alfresco diner.

Now, the beach bistro claims that the "chef's specialty Australian steak" will not disappoint and promises that we'd be clamoring for more. In reality, it was just a cold lump of elastic beef that took ages to chew. I also envisioned that the surreptitious crashing of ocean waves in the background would offer beach vibes like no other, but it seemed like only noisy wailing toddlers and hollering teenagers were the real soundtrack of the coast. Plus, fruit flies would just keep hovering around you, ambushing your excess food, and I cannot even use math to justify how fast the ice in my pineapple juice melts under the heat.

My new pet peeve would be outdoor dining. I can safely say alfresco dining only looks fun in pictures.

It's currently half past six, and the sun is already starting to roll down the hills, while a beautiful vermillion filter masks the sky. Ethan wanted to stroll down to the Santa Monica Pier to capture the essence of Angelinos nights through lenses, while I just wanted to ride the Ferris wheel. That has been on my bucket list for years.

I walk ahead of Ethan as he fiddles with iPhone maps, trying to locate the shortest walking route to the pier. Just around the corner, I spot the famous New York originated bakery. Vanity lights adorns the overhanging signboard, and for a moment I dare not even trust my own eyes.

Gingersnaps? Gingersnaps!

Before I had my very first Gingersnaps Red Diva cupcake, I never thought it was possible to fall so madly in love with an inanimate object. It was Gavin who introduced it to me. He was in New York during the winter vacation for basketball camp and he brought back a box of Gingersnaps.

What a pity he only came back with one box!

Anyway, Gingersnaps is made so exclusive they only have outlets in New York and Boston. My feelings were cheated when Gavin told me there weren't any branches in California, because I would drive hours for Gingersnaps even if I were bleeding with a bullet in my heart.

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