twenty one: in

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Hi friends!! So rad to see y'all again!

Now I don't care how, but you HAVE to read this chapter with the background music (click the link).

PLEASE PLAY THE MUSIC THROUGHOUT THE CHAPTER. It'll be really perfect. Trust me.

Kiss The Rain by Yiruma




Friday night

I trail Ethan's footsteps deeper into the dense forest, tip-toeing through the tall grass until we reach a lake. Squatting behind a tree stump, I listen hard, only to hear faint whimpering disturbing the silence of the night. I peek out, only to see a silhouette crouched by the waters, and the tranquil refractions of his head buried in his hands.

It hit me; he told me not to follow him because he didn't want me to see him cry. He didn't want sympathy; neither did he want to reveal his careless vulnerability, nor the fact that he was a marred bottle of broken shells.

I run forward to him, and gently slip my arms over him. I don't want to see you cry, Ethan. It pains me.

"Leave me alone, Kelly. Please don't lead me on." His voice wavers weakly, as he tries shrugging off my hold.

"You need me now. I will not leave you alone."

"Take it as I'm begging you. Just go." He buries his face in his hands. He gulps, pushing down the emotions.

I grab his forearms, tugging the mask off his face. His eyes were peeled open, his green iris and tearstains glistening under the moonlight.

His hands are trembling in mine, as he hangs his head down, letting the tears thump on the sand. I grip him tighter; Ethan, you are not alone.

As I interlock fingers with him, I felt something trickle down my wrist.

I squint down, horrified to see ragged and jagged rocks stain ruby red.



Friday Midnight

4 years ago;

"At the corner or my eye, Lu was struggling for air. She couldn't swim, neither could I, and the currents were playing us out by the second. With all my might, I paddled towards her, pushing her further away-to mild waters. I was exhausted and on the brink of letting go. The currents chokehold on my feet dragged me away from surface, and seawater was constantly being flushed down my throat. My chest constricted in pain: not because I couldn't breathe, but instead in regret.

If I were to die that instant, I wouldn't have died any happier, knowing that I saved Lu's life. I was only bitter that I get the chance to tell Mom, Dad and Lu that I love them, and them adopting me was the best that has ever happened to me. They gave me everlasting memories, and it would be a shame for them not to know.

But there was just so long more I could hold on to.

My airways collapsed.

As long as Lu is safe.

Miraculously, the doctors saved me. It was at this moment, the ugly came to light, the tables turned, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to stay anymore. It turns out Lu was born with a liver defect, and I was only adopted in hope of my 83% organ donor match.

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