fifteen: of

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A/N: dedicated to Sprinting Ginger because of her endless support for this book since the beginning! Specially for PerfectFlaws_x and KaylahStirlingKelly also because they are literally the craziest book fans ever! They inboxed me telling me to update or they'd murder me xD I LOVE YOU GUYS (yes you reading this now) TOO LMAO


Wednesday morning

To only accommodate one person, my mind never felt so small.

I wonder what he's doing- thinking- three hundred and eighty one miles away from me.


[It's me, Gav.]

As the sender's name flashes across the screen, my heart leaps, and a thousand million thoughts jump at me. Questions begin to flood my lungs and my breathing hastens in struggle.

Why the sudden text?

What does he want to talk about?

I'm so confused.

Doesn't he hate my guts?

Hasn't he found someone new? Given his looks, it must be a piece of cake for him.

Then why is he initiating conversation? I don't think it's possible to resume being friends.

Maybe he wants to patch it up.

Wishful thinking.

But impossibilities are just that possible.

I pressure my temples. Just before I decide to give up once and for all, this has to happen.

Perfect timing.

Now what can I do, but think about you?

I look over at the message again. Thinking of what to reply, my brain numbs and fingers freeze. What exactly do I say? Do I say 'Hi?' Is that too generous for someone who left you for your best friend?

He didn't even greet me. Was it on purpose, to make him seem nonchalant? Am I not even worth a 'hello'?

Ah... Should I ignore his message completely?

But he must want something. He sent me two consecutive texts, obviously trying to earn my attention.

Maybe I should just get straight to the point.

My fingers tap vigorously on the screen.

[What do you want?]

Just before I hit send (and I hate that after I push a button I will never be able to take my words back) hesitation engulfs me. Is that a bit too harsh? Granted: he didn't greet me, so why should I greet back? But a simple hello wouldn't kill, right? I don't want to frighten him away.

I unscramble my unsent text, and the conversation between us ceases into a void emptiness.

Deep inside, as reluctant but I have to admit, he is still the only one I want by my side.

[I'm still here.]

But if I reply right away, it'll make me seem so attached and desperate for his attention, and he'll know that he has me wrapped around his pinky. Fine then; I'll reply him later.

Stop kidding yourself, Kelly Baker. You never ever remember things.

"Texting your mom again?" A voice shoots out from behind. I jump out of my skin. (Metaphorically, please.)

Please tell me he just appeared.

I blink, avoiding his gaze. At that instant, my nerves loose coordination and my fingers flinch, accidentally hitting the send tab. Undo, undo, undo! Drats. I quickly shove my phone back into my shorts and awkwardly flatten my palms on the contours of my waist.

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