eighteen: I

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A/N: Sup y'all! :D Exams are over for me, whoop whoop!! I had so much fun writing this chapter, (Most of the ideas were spontaeneous) it has one of my favorite scenes in the book! dedicated to reagan who encourages me constantly via message board

We're halfway through the roadtrip... who's sad? 

Some more sad news: I lost 5k reads and 300 votes in a wattpad glitch :( It pains me to see all my hardwork and your support all gone D: can I ask that you guys vote again? It really encourages me as a writer:) love you!! #SLAYYY #TURNUP




Thursday Afternoon

“Thanks for hosting us, and sorry about just now.” I grin, shaking Ralph’s hand courteously then hoping off the mini boat. (The instructor. Yes, his name is Ralph.)

What happened just now?

How bloody embarrassing.

Ethan and I were in the water, splashing and swimming around. Fast-forward twenty minutes, Ethan starts to lament over how fast coral reefs get boring, how all fishes look the same; how snorkeling is overhyped. I insisted that Ethan the Wet Blanket go up the boat first, while I float around for the remaining fifteen minutes we have left.

So begins my solo adventure into the fairly deeper waters.

While being captured by the beauty of Mother Nature’s creations, I was unknowingly being pushed by the currents further off the outer reef of the island. I estimated the newly forged depth to be twenty feet, and from where I was, the boat’s silhouette was distinctively smaller. Recollecting the Jaws’ movie poster, the only logical decision to make was swimming back to starboard.

As if I could magically sense ominous presences, my eyes cornered and I saw a really big, grey, menacing and mean-looking fish. No, it wasn’t a shark. But the irrational, conclusion-jumper in me decided to flip the shit out, because the one and only thing that came to my mind was ‘lunchtime’.

I am cringing so hard about my life right now.

Thinking I was dead meat- literally, I started paddling for my life, entering the shallow waters. My noisy splashing earned Ralph’s attention. He waves over at me, darting over strange looks.

Now at this point of time, every sensible living creature would stop to analyze his reactions. If there really were a shark, he would already be throwing me a rescue buoy, instead of standing rooted to the ground. But being the turkey/pea-brain goon that I am, I cried SOS.

Cue face palm.


Don’t you think I deserve to be eaten up?

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