ten: Maybe

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A/N: Hello there! this chapter is dedicated to meaglio, my rad wattpad friend Meaglio who helped me with this chapter. I cannot believe we are so near 1K reads!!! J omg scream with me! Here is a bonus update for you radicals. Remember to vote if you loved it =)


Monday afternoon

"I swear to god: if you whine once more, I'm driving straight into the ocean" He thunders at me, irritated at my incessant grouching. We are currently on a secluded ocean drive that seems like it never ends. I argued that we were lost, but he put me down saying 'Women can't read maps'.

"But you promised me a rest stop like, thirty minutes ago!" I could literally feel my bladder bursting. Every minute I am closer to wetting the expensive leather car seat. Imagine if he told everyone at school, my reputation would just go way down the drain.

"But there's none in sight. What do you want me to do, build you a portal? You planned the route, didn't you?

"But how would I have planned for this?" I cry in my defense. "You are the one who upsized my drink at Wendy's, so you should have saw this coming."

"Then why didn't you go then?" He huffs obnoxiously with an eye roll.

"I didn't need to go then!" I spit, slumping back into my seat. How unreasonable can this boy get?

"Jesus Christ," Both of us whisper bitterly at the same time.

I pout, looking down at my nails. Perhaps some distraction may help me to forget about my ill-timed situation. Hmm, maybe I should recite the alphabet backwards.

Z, Y, X, W...

Nope, not one bit effective. I just earned myself the burden of having to remember what comes after O. Is it M? Or is it N? I always sing it as H-I-J-K-Eleman-O-P. (No one told me I was a wrong, thanks American education system.)

The car swerves to the right, throwing me off my little game, then gradually decelerates to a complete stop. Spinning my head around, I glance at Ethan, curious as to our sudden halt in the middle of the freeway.

"I'll wait for you here," He explains in one breath, as if he could read my thought. He pushed the driver's seat back, probably to steal a couple minutes of rest.

"Oh... oh, okay" Unbuckling my seatbelt, I immediately scramble out of the car. It took me a second or two to figure out his underlying message.

I let out a muted squeal. Finally, the time has come for me to release myself. (Both literally and metaphorically) Thank God he was just messing with me, and he knew that there was a rest stop just around the-

Whoa whoa whoa.

Hold your horses, Kelly Baker.

There's nothing here.

The vast land claims to be tundra vegetation, while Bushes pride this as their territory. It is a scape of greenery; far from being aesthetically pleasing, but untouched nature herself is gorgeous. Like the Sun and Moon, the dry forested land sent compliments to the endless ocean.

But where exactly is the rest stop?

Turning around, I pound on the doors, sending a series of sound waves and angry vibes throughout the truck.

"Ethan!" I demand his attention. He sits up straight to face me. "You made a mistake; there are no rest stops here".

"I didn't make a mistake, this is a great toilet. Embrace nature," He gestures the heart sign with his hands.

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