sixteen: sorrow

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dedicated to vividlyshywriter with the 'tumblr icon' for showering me with love over wattpad on my birthday! :



Wednesday Evening

"That was wicked!" I exclaim, sipping my tropical slushie.

We just finished the Buzz Lightyear Intergalactic Warrior, which I totally kicked ass in. The game basically simulates you travelling across the universe, using plastically animated neon orange to shoot down aliens and other odd looking species that hop about the 3D screen to score points. The smaller the target, the more points scored. It sounds easy, but the seat we are strapped into will make sudden turns, throwing us off full concentration. You can't just brainlessly aim your laser gun either- if you shoot the Black Bandits, they loot all your points and leave you in dysthymia and even lower self-esteem.

My cast member friend didn't fare that badly either. He scored a whopping 37,000 points, but my 42,500 points gave me the license to brag.

Bow down to your queen. 

One word: Slay. 

"I know, right? Though I didn't win, but that was because I am a gentleman," He sings, doing a little curtsey. 

"Very well, fine prince." I play along in a posh English accent. We burst out in fits of laughter at our own immaturity. 

Touring Disneyland with a cast member definitely has endless perks. We get to flee the snaking queues by a back entrance! Parents with their kids threw us dirty looks- jealous much? He also orientated me with the park, and I don't even learn this much in class. My jaw dropped when I found out that it costs millions to build the park, and billions to maintain it. Next time you are at Disneyland, just remember that your ticket alone won't even be able to cover for five seconds of firework display. 

"Have you gone on the tower of terror?" He asks. 

Tower of terror? That sounds terrifying. "What is it exactly? If it's another haunted house, then no thank you,"

He guffaws, probably thinking to himself what a coward I am. If he's going to tease me about this, I am never mixing with boys ever. (Ugh cooties)

"Nah, I hate haunted houses too,"

"No way," I exclaim unbelieving. "Guys love that crap."

"Are you kidding me?" He strikes against the mainstreamed stereotype. "I don't even dare take morning shifts there. I admit I have no balls, but horror is horrifying."

"Yeah, I can't believe I'm such a wimp." I sigh.

"That doesn't define you as a wimp!" He cuts in defensively. "The fact that you take roller coasters? Girl, that is impressively gutsy." He slurs, brightening up my day with a smile. 

I laugh at his sassy attitude. He sure knows how to make people feel better. I like that. "Fine." I grit my teeth, "I'm up for it, but first you have to promise me I'll love to see tomorrow,"

"The only policy Disney has is to have fun, so I'm not too sure about that." He chortles; his witty remarks never fail to split my sides. 


We stow our bags in the public lockers before heading for the ride. In the queue, we chat about anything under the sun. Turns out he's on a gap year, trying to hop across as many states as possible, before assuming a scholarship in Columbia next fall. He shares his amazing experiences with me, like scaling the great heights of a waterfall in Idaho and hiking the Grand Canyon in Arizona. His stories are fascinating and definitely killed the boredom of waiting in queues. 

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