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The Duel | Part Two

[OH MAW GOD A CHAPTER! Read the Author's note at the end! <3]

Please follow Mariko_Murakami  because she needs 5 more to get 600!❤

By the way my lovely waifu is in Bold and Underline!~<3

After yesterday's little incident involving rankings #3&4 other wise known as FC and Shu.

Odd names, but then again I'm one to talk.

High Priest yelled at me but he has nothing to worry about. We're both the best for a reason. And besides Shu probably isn't the good anyways.

Thank Irene everyone is once again out of the house.

Well almost. Cadenza and Hayden are frantically trying to make a dish for some fashion party..? I have no idea what they do anymore. Oh well.

"Y/N!"I hear him yell down the stairs.

"Yes?"I yell from the top of my lungs.

"Can you give the Romaeves this dish I left on top of the counter?" Weird. "I promised them id make them my specialty"

I let out a groan but yelled back that I'd do it. once they left I joined the game.

|High Priest is online


I go downstairs and find that dish that is preventing me from my game.

I grab my keys and take it. I swiftly locked the door and walked over. I just want to play. I crossed my fingers and hope that Zianna doesn't open the door. Because if she does... Im most likely staying for dinner.

"Y/N?" I swear to irene I've never been so happy to see Zane before.

"Zane! here take it!" He took a step back and put his hands in the air. "Huh?"

"What If you poisoned it?" I roll my eyes.

"Zane just take it!"

"Just put it in the kitchen and get out" I let out another groan but no time to argue.

I walk inside and set it on the counter.

As I head towards the door I look at Zane whos tapping his foot. I guess I must have realized he wasn't wearing his mask.

"Where's your mask?" I asked curiously.

"Gah! I forgot to put it on" He tried pulling up his sweater to cover his face. I just laughed.

"Relax, you look better without it" I walk out the door. "Bye Zane"

(Ooh finally something's happening-flawless)

"Bye... " As soon as he closed the door I sprinted to my house. (That's me with school and food❤)




.(you can't claim these, they're mAh children!- flawless)

Once I'm back to my PC I quickly type—

Username_Unknown: Ready?

High Priest: Yes, I've been expecting you.

Username_Unknown: Weirdo

High Priest: Uhg

High Priest: I still can't believe you did this.

Username_Unknown: You act like we're going to lose.

Username_Unknown: Have you seen their characters?

Username_Unknown: Shu is basically a healer. She carries a ton of FC's items. FC is somewhat of a threat.

(Flawless: Okay ev, shu is a healer. Don't be a dumb dumb)

Username_Unknown: He's somewhere at your level maybe.

High Priest: Is that an insult or compliment?

High Priest: Anyways, I think it'd be better if we just voice chat?

I honestly had no idea why I was suddenly so nervous. I mean why would I be? It's not like he's going to treat me differently or something. Right?

High Priest: Can you just hurry up? I'll just use discord. 

I bit my lip with absolute hesitation. I typed in my Discord tag. A few moments later I got a call from High Priest. I dragged my mouse over to the green button that said join the call. 

And I clicked it

"Hello?" I said speaking into my mic. Not one second after I said the word the call ended. Maybe it's the connection? I check the connection and saw it was alright. I made sure I friended him and everything. I quickly type into the chat. 

Username_Unknown: You still there? You left the call.

He quickly responded after that. As I read his message I realized something. I realized how much people could hurt others by just being so judgmental. How the High Priest just left the call like that. It was more than just connection issues. I took my headset off as I put it next to my mouse pad. I stared blankly into the screen reading the message over and over again. 

High Priest: Im busy lets call another time maybe.

High Priest | OFFLINE 


I know, I know. EV WHERE ARE YOU WHAT THE HECK MAN?!? I know I disappeared so suddenly. But don't worry I see every comment you guys make. I've seen the support you've given me. Not to mention I have 600+ followers? Wow, just wow. You guys amaze me. I've been so caught up with school and my clubs. 

I would also like to thank flawless_princesse <3

She is my one and only waifu >;3 and she made and reads my chapters before I post anything. Also, she has an amazing story name "that bastard bakugou" I believe it is from an anime everyone is crazy about these days xD 

And let me take my time with the next chapter! I love you guys! 

Question of the day!~

How are you guys today? Leave a comment right here and I'll answer every single one :D 

AND YES THERE WILL DUEL PART THREE within the next few chapters ;>>> 

and follow Mariko_Murakami because she helped me get 600 followers! And follow kraykat because she helped too. :D

buh bye~❤

Username Unknown || Zane x Gamer!~ ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now