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Girls and Games

"Zane?" I said suprised. Is it coincidence that we bump into eachother so often. He rolled his eye and crosses his arms.

"Wow You know my name, congratulations." He said sarcastically. I sigh and turn around.

"Thanks for the flyer" I said thanking the person in front of me.

"No problem, hopefully I see you at the club!" He said waving good bye. I smiled and walked away. At least he was nice. I fold the flyer neatly into my pocket and start looking around. Hmm.

"Look out!" I hear a voice say. I turn around and realize a volley ball was flying towards me. I brace for impact but it never came. I open my eyes and put my arm down.

There was a white haired boy on the ground in front of me. My eyes widened, he must have taken the hit for me.

"Hey, are you okay?" I said shaking his arm. He groaned in response. Suddenly these two shadows were right next to me.

"Nice job Katelyn you killed him!" I think I hear garroth say from that time of voice. I look up and see that it is Garroth and some other girl. Garroth looked down at me. "Hey cutie" He said smiling, and out of the corner of my eye I saw katelyn rolling her eyes. "sorry about your friend"

"Oh, um I don't really know him" I say turning red, realized how stupid this sounded. Just then the boy that was in the ground opened his eyes.

"Uhg, my head" He groaned placing his hand on his head.

"Are. You okay?" I asked now facing him.

"Huh? O-Oh! I-I-Im fine" He stuttered. He must be flustered after all that's happening.

"Thanks for taking the hit" I say looking down at the ground.

"Oh! N-No problem!" He said once again stuttering. "My names Travis, Travis Vulcrum "

I look up and said,"Y/N, Y/N Zvahl!" He got up and extended his arm helping me up as well. He sort of stumbled around a bit and luckily I caught him.

"Wait!"I hear Garroth say we both turn around and the girl with the blue hair was crossing her arms.

"I'm... Sorry"

"For what" Garroth asked.

"For hitting you with a volleyball" She said gritting her teeth. I couldn't help but giggle. It was obvious that Garroth was forcing her to say this.

"I think I'm okay" Travis said as he rubbed his forehead.

"Oh and you, Um, Y/N right?" She said now facing me. I slowly nod. "Garroth told me about you, you should join volleyball I'd bet you'd be great at it" She said as she walked away. Garroth shrugged at me.

"Whos that"

"Oh a friend of mine, Her name is Katelyn" Garroth said, he then looked at Travis. "Sorry about Katelyn"

"I'm fine don't worry about it!" Travis said reassuringly. Travis was... or rather had this aura about him. He seemed pretty sweet and adorable. Garroth the walked away probably to hoin his baseball booth.

I turn to Travis. "Well thanks again...?" I say awkwardly.

"N-No problem! I just have a question.... are you an angel?" He asked, I lightly blushed and shake my head no.


"Hm, well okay, oh! Um I'm a freshman, I'm assuming your a sophomore?"

"Wrong again!" I say laughing at the fact that he thought I was a sophomore. "I'm a freshman!" I saw the surprises look on his face. "Why did you think so?"

"You just seemed.... not lost?" He said taking a pause. I let out another laugh. "Well, I-I mean, you seem to know what you're doing!"

Travis and I got to know eachother more, and like I said he was pretty sweet and adorable. As we started talking about some random things my phone rang.

"--And then he just left me there" Travis said finishing up his story. He was just telling me how his father somehow left him at work.

I grab my phone and see it's another notification for POW.

"What is it?" Travis asked curiously.

"It's just a notification for a game I play"

"you play games?" Travis asked with a grin on his face which confused me

"Yea?" I answered confused. He just snickered and started laughing. "If something is wrong with playing games then you can forget about me being your friend!" I yell at him and storm away.

I stormed off into the hall when I feel someone grab my wrist. I turn around and I'm face to face with...

A/N To be continued!~

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