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I yawn as I wake up to shiny sun that stabs me with its rays. I let out a groan as I sit up. I look at the time, and it's only five o'clock in the morning.

Why did I wake up so... early? I look over at my PC and see I have a notification. I open up my game, POW, and click on it.

High Priest has moved up into the rankings and is currently #4!

I just met the dude yesterday night. How can he be up in the ranks already? I mean, anyone that isn't me is quite impressive. It took me less then. year to be #1.


I mean... playing a bit won't hurt... right?

Bonus Scene - Featured in Laurence's Pov

I check the time and realize that Y/N wasn't awake yet. My irene, she must have been up. playing that game again. I walk over to her room, and stumble upon Cadenza.

"Uhg, Laurence! I'm trying to... walk" She said in between yawns. Well, she's cranky.

I slowly open Y/Ns door and hear snoring. Of course, I thought as I went to go wake up the beast otherwise known as my sister,  Y/N. I go to her bed yet she wasn't there. Another snore emerged and I realize it was coming from her desk. I walk over and see she's sleeping in her gaming chair. I roll my eyes, and was about to wake up when she said.

"Don't you dare wake me up Laurence Zvahl"

I let out a scream, and she had plastered a smirk on her face. Jeez she really is the beast.

End Scene! (Thank you Laurence!)

After that whole brotherly encounter, I start getting ready. Put my uniform on, try and do my best at combing my hair, eat, brush my teeth and leave! But of course, I always walk to school with laurence! But today was a special case. I was running late and I told laurence to go to school. He said okay and left.

I had forgotten a few school things and I ran upstairs to go grab them in my room when I happen to get a glance outside my bedroom window. I see Laurence with his arms crossed, along with Garroth.

And not to mention Zane and Vylad by his side. I see Cadenza stuck around and was by Laurence's side. Laurence and garroth look like they were yelling at eachother and vylad and cadenza were trying to pry them apart.

I quickly grab my coat and sprinted down the stairs and go outside closing the door behind me. I walk towards them as they just glare at each other.

"Is everything alright" I ask, they both look at me and soften their expressions.

"Every thing is alright!" Garroth said reassuringly. "Nothing for you to worry about cutie"Laurence simply glared at him. Odd. He doesn't mind Garroth calling me that. He's been calling me that for years... 

"If you say so... " I say not really certain they told me everything. I looked at Vylad and he looked away, I look at Cadenza, and she also looked away. Something odd was going on.

"Can we start walking?" I hear Zane pipe up.  And not too long after he said we started walking.

"I didn't know you were the boss of this group" I said, trying to get on his nerves.

"Well even if I was, I'd be better than you!" His squeaky voice... squeaked. (Noice job)

"Being emo isn't my thing" And we went back and fourth. And everything seemed normal except for one major thing. Laurence and Garroth never bothered splitting up Zane and I.

A/N: Merry Christmas!

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