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A/N: Thanks to juliette_jace 's enthusiasm for this chapter, this chapter is published earlier than scheduled :)

A Night To Remember

We all sat down in the dining room table. I was sitting next to Garroth and Laurence. Oh and Zane's a cross from me.

"Just pour yourself lemonade— Oh! Silly me forgot to make it." Zianna said as she stood up.

"I'll help!" Hayden offered and walked with Zianna to the kitchen.

"Feel free to start eating!" Zianna yelled from the kitchen.

"Hmm do you think I should have boring yellow lemonde? Or a glass of red strawberry lemonade Garroth?" Zane said leaving his his chin on his palm which rested on the table.

"Zane..." Garroth growled.

"Oh dear" Vylad commented

"No really Garroth, what kind of drink do you want?" Laurence asked

Why is everyone asking about drinks all the sudden?


"Dad! Laurence is annoying Garroth!" Cadenza yelled. No response. She stood up and walked to the kitchen.

"Hey Garroth— I think you should have everything. Except for strawberry lemonade. There's mashed potatoes over there!~" Zane cooed.

"Dad Zane and Garroth are fighting" Vylad said trying to get Gartes attention

"Boys stop—" Then his phone rang "This is Garte Romaeve... What do you mean you lost the deal?" Garte stood up and left the dining room.

"They're also short and sweet, but not too salty!~" Zane exclaimed, pushing Garroth over the edge.

He slammed the table.

"G-Garroth?" I say as I look at him. He looked so distraught.

He excused him self, pushed in his chair and left the room.

"Hmph" Zane said as he glared at Vylad.

"Why do you pick on him?" Vylad asked.

"Tch. He started it"

"Well I'm going to see—" I stood up but Laurence grabbed my wrist.

"Y/N sit down"

"Let me go"

"Y/N, sit down" He didn't look up at me. He... He reminded me of... of.. Hayden. I kicked his chin. "Gah!" He groaned.

I then left the room realizing what I had just did. I shook my head.

I went to the backyard to look for Garroth.

"Garroth?" I called out. I didn't see him. I then saw a shadow figure. "Garroth?"I called again.

(What if that shadow-y figure murdered you right there and then 😮 )

"Y-Y/N?" Garroth appeared from the shadows. His face what lit up by the lights. "What are you doing here?"

"I...I just wanted to see how you were doing"

"Heh" He chuckled. "Cutie"

I let out a giggle. "I'm serious!"

"Of course" He took a few steps until he was right in front of me. "Y/N I... need to tell you somthing" He placed his hand on my cheek.

"Garroth?" I placed my hand on his. He leaned in. I froze. He layed his lips on mine and I felt something... It felt odd. Strange. I saw a flash of some sort.

I pulled away.

"I-Im sorry Y/N..." I looked at the ground. Garroth liked me...? No.... I think of him as a brother.

"Wh-Why?" I manage to say.

"Why do I like you?" I saw his shadow get close to mine. ",Y/N...I've known you for awhile. Your sweet and generous—"

"Stop it"

"Stop what—?"

"You're making me sound like an angel. A person I wish I was" I look up at him. He looked broken. "I'm not that person. .. And you deserve someone so much better"

"That's why Laurence and I were fighting"

My head jerked up to look at his. His was glued to the ground.

"One day while you getting ready for school"


"She still takes forver" Laurence said crossing his arms.

"Its her first day what did you expect" Cadenza butted in.

"I bet you take forever Laurence" Garroth looked at his friend who rolls his eyes. "I mean with your hair—"

"Stop it!"

"Okay okay" Garroth backed down. "Besides, Y/N should take her time. I mean after all these years..." He took a second to breath in (Since Y/N took his breath away) "she looks like an angel"

"Dude! Are you hitting on my sister?" Laurence began laughing but saw the look on Garroths face. "...your hitting on my sister?"

F A S T F O W A R D   T O  T H E 

"I... i didn't know" It made sense. Thats why Cadenza was holding Laurence. And Vylad was holding Garroth. "That little—" It blew my mind. It filled me with rage. How could he get so upset over something so stupid? I control my life. And I swear to Irene...

If Laurence Zvahl become amything like Hayden... I don't know if it's worth it anymore

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